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That is an ad for corporal punishment. That kid needs his ass beat. :beating:

I'm sorry...is it wrong to want to crack a kid...every now and then? Most of the the brats running around today get away with everything. And generally are terrible. I'm not saying i hate kids, i could maybe...see having one in 10 yrs or so. They need to behave though.

hahaha, i saw a guy try to intervene with another guy who like barely hit his kid on the butt when he was screaming bloody murder at a walmart. The guy was like "you can't hit that kid" and the father was like "yeah, if you don't shut the hell up, you're next" LOL. I dont think he meant he was gonna spank him either.

As a kid, if my brother and me acted up...we got spanked, by hand, by belt. If somehow we weren't beat we were taken aside, and told to get our shit together. Today, kids run rampant. Pretty much allowed to do what ever the hell they want. My nephew has 2 aspects of discipline. He lives with his dad, who is very strict...and if he acts up....he gets cracked on like we were. At grandma's (my mom) he's allowed to anything and everything. He could run...shouting Islamic slurs....and shank someone with a knife....and it would be totally cool. When he's at grandma's...he wakes up and cry's like a 3 yr old. He's 12....it's ridiculous. :nono:

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i think all walmarts should have a bell that goes off every so often and you get to beat the kid nearest to ya!! DING!!!!! BEAT YOUR KIDS!!!!!

lol. I only condone hitting a kid...when it's NEEDED. I don't stand around the gum ball machines waiting, and then clothesline them. :D

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