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More Speed Camera...

Unk Greg

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motorcycling site(?) www.thenewspaper.com. Hunt thru-older articles...to get to stories, punch in Gatso once there and hit GO. Interesting these speed cameras; Parked truck gets 45 speeding tickets (the one day it was parked, I guess), vigilante (spellin?) destroying, burning cameras and now cmaeras to watch the cameras, and that was in quiet ole England. You can't make this stuff up!

Speaking of England-fight going on-authorities consider the speed camera pics as copyrighted. Seems a cyclist somehow got a hold of some the camera pics he was cited with, pics and worked the math-distance-time and came up with 30 mph speed not the 38 he got ticketed for. Won his court case, but the authorities are still pursuing; 1) insisting that he was speeding, dispite the court acquittal, and 2) threatening legal action against guy for posting them on internet with explanation on why wasn't speeding - or maybe how he was able to beat the camera in court. Anyway-village is claiming they are copyrighted pics and demanding that they be removed from Internet or they will pursue legal....

So much for traffic safety, eh?

If it is a repost sorry, I'm out in the sticks ya know.

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