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like has been said, the most annoying part of any dog is the first year or so. shittin in the house, pissing on the bed, ripping holes in your bedsheets, eating your cheesehead!, gnawing your cell phone (still works btw), ingesting your xbox live headset (and maybe ps3 bluetooth too)... etc. just don't beat yourself up over it, reprimand them when you gotta and reward the rest of the time.

speaking of dogs, my lil' fucker been running laps between pawing the door whining, and jumping on the couch and sticking her face in front of the laptop screen for the last 10 minutes so i guess i better get off my ass and take her outside...

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True with my first lab I went through countless pairs of shoes, two couches, a chair, countless bottles of carpet cleaner but I wouldn't have had it any other way! I just had to learn as much as he did! Don't put shit where they can get to it! I'm excited to get a new pup next year!

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My dog has been pretty good about not eating my shit. Of course he did get a hold of my SPY ski goggles. Those were not cheap and are useless now. I couldnt even punish him for eating them cuz I wasnt there when in happen. He would of been wondering why he was getting an ass beating for greeting me at the door. haha.

Other than that, he has been great. Just have to lay down the law when necessary.

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it's also important to remember that you have an advantage: TWO dogs. if they're able to interact when you're not around what are you worried about? Nothing in the world a dog loves more than playing with other dogs. It's why i cant wait to get a 2nd so someone else can wear my current dog out. lol.

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it's also important to remember that you have an advantage: TWO dogs. if they're able to interact when you're not around what are you worried about? Nothing in the world a dog loves more than playing with other dogs. It's why i cant wait to get a 2nd so someone else can wear my current dog out. lol.

if you want a lab I know of a person who might be able to help you out! lol

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yota has a good point...they're still pups. i have a beagle shepherd mix and she didn't even begin to calm down until she was 3.5 yrs. as everyone else is saying...just hang in there and take small steps. it's challenging...but the rewards are great.

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I'm with that dude. And I hear you say months of research, yadda yadda. You are doing nothing wrong. Crate train, a little excersice,feed and hang out with them. They don't really need much more. They sleep 16+ hours a day.

in these situations I usually say If two dogs are too hard for you life is gonna kick your ass. But give it some time before you give up.

I've got 4 rescues that people threw away. So Ima little sensitive to this I can't handle a dog crap.

I'm with you Jason. If you are going to be brave enough to get animals then you have to be dedicated NO MATTER what to keep them. I took in a cat in May and it was a living hell the first 3 months I had her. She was trying to kill my other two cats, pissing EVERY where but I knew she needed some time and a lot of attention. She's finally OK with everything and very very happy now. I'm glad I didn't give up when it got really rough. You have to think of animals like your children. Would you give up your kids b/c they misbehaved? You may have to adjust your life....so what? I took care of my cat of 16 years the last 9 months prior to him passing end of september with a nasopharengeal cancer. I had to be there to feed him SEVERAL times a day b/c he could only eat a little bit at a time. It really affected my social life but owell. I made the choice to get the animal and it was my responsibilty to take care of it. I'm not trying to be mean but you cannot be selfish and own animals.

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yota has a good point...they're still pups. i have a beagle shepherd mix and she didn't even begin to calm down until she was 3.5 yrs. as everyone else is saying...just hang in there and take small steps. it's challenging...but the rewards are great.

How is the beagle shepherd mix? I have a puggle right now and my roommate will be taking his playmate (a cat & a corgy) home with her in March. I really want to get Brutus a playmate, and love the Beagle, not so much the pug. I heard shepherd dogs are pretty good pets. The first year with Brutus was hell, he's more stuburn then any teenager I know, and he only truley listens when there's food involved. But he's a great dog and a great cuddler. I never thought it would get better but it does! You'll regret getting rid of them!

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I'm pretty much unemployed and my shelter pup is inside most of the time. Right now she's sleeping.. and most of the time thats what she does. She'll act bored and i'll let her outside and she runs for a bit then lays down and sleeps...

When we first got her she was tearing crap up and it sucked.. but now she's good. I still don't trust her 100% but i've only had her 2 months.

As said before, dogs don't really need all that much. As long as they're in the house with you when you're home they're happy. They have each other while you're gone at least. My pup is all alone :( But she's going to be for a long time since my place isn't all that big. We want to sell this place and get more land and a bit bigger of a house but that'll be a few years. Only been here for 2...

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Dogs are all about initial time and effort. First 2 years are crucial. Especially with certain breeds. Little dogs and I don't work or I would consider taking them. Good luck finding them a home.

They're both 30lbs+

I hear everything everyone is saying. There's a lot to consider.

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I have two dogs as well, and will admit that sometimes they can be a bit more than you bargained for. Originally, I didn't want the second one-I took it as a last resort before it ended up in the pound with an uncertain future. Yes, there was an adjustment period-more because I worked long days at the time than because of my other dog; they got/get along great. But it worked out. Granted, it does become a hassle when you want to go anywhere and try and find someone to watch them, or to find somewhere new to live, but now they're "my kids" and I wouldn't have it any other way. Call me a girl if you like, but I'm a bit attached. ;)

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They're both 30lbs+

I hear everything everyone is saying. There's a lot to consider.

Well, if it would help I still have a home made hog pen cage that is huge and you could use to house the pupps while you are out of the house if they are still being destructive. I made it to house my doberman (90lbs) when he was young and slowly allowed him out or left it unlocked so he could get out. Now they both have a free run of the house all day and never tear a thing up. It might need to be cleaned up a bit but is about 5'X3' and about 3'tall. The cage would require a pickup to haul it off and a little reassembly.;) I should be around Sunday if you're interested PM me.

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I feel the pain...

Im ready to head to the nearest Lowes and build the first dog launching potato gun some days or one of those catapults you see on History channel... Other days not so much. The dog makes the kids happy and mom too.

Edited by Exit Wounds
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I have 3 large dogs... now they are older 6,7, and 10 and they have calmed down a lot. Well, it actually takes the first 2 years for most breeds to settle down. When they were that young I used to come home to ripped up couches, toiletpaper ripped up all over, torn up shoes and underwear...etc.. Now I laugh about it, because we have made it all together through this.

Dogs love and andore their master, and really all they want is to please. Puppies need guidance and once they figured out what you want from them, you will have fun and feel content.

Do you have a garage? If you do, and it is not insulated, go ahead and insulate it. Make them a nice area and they can stay in there while you are gone. That is what I used to do. That way I did not have to worry about the torn up furniture.

Or, get baby gates. That way you can confine them to one room when you are gone.

There is ways to work around their toddler and teenage years IF you want to.

If you DOn't, then it won't do the dogs much good if you just endure them and won't give them any time.

They are beauties and I think having 2 shows, that you care about them. Because I hate it when one is alone all day. That is how i ended up with 3!! lol

Hope it'll work out, but as you can see here, dog lovers do not understand how you get dogs and then give up on them. :-(

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Also, all in all we paid $2400 for the planetickets for the dogs to fly over to the US with us...plus extra hotel fees for 7 weeks and 3 weeks of kenneling...all in all they cost us about $4000 during our move to the states...just thought I'd mention that on the side...;-)

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