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Help Please!!!!!


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I need a job quick if anyone has their own business and needs a helper or side work done or know of anyone needed anything done. My boss just fired me tonight because I asked for a raise after being their 6 months. Im in a real pinch now because rent is due and all the bills. I would appreciate it if someone takes this serious and emails me asap please. I have a wife and a 3 year old. mikebeth3307@yahoo.com :dunno:

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If that is really true, and there are no surrounding circumstances, you may have a lawsuit on your hands...

Otherwise, I call BS on the fact that your boss fired you because you simply asked for a promotion...

Ohio is an "at will" employment state. Which means that his boss can fire him for any reason as long as its not because of race, ethnicity, gender, age, or disability. Notice I did not list sexual preference.

I don't own my own business, but you should probably post what type of skills you have. Good luck man.

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I cant get paid unemployment or file a lawsuit because the guy was smart and kept me paid under the table as a contractor type thing. This is true im not trying to get over on anyone thats just the type of guy he is (cheapass). I have done just about anything as fas as skill wise so if anyone thinks they have anything replie and I will tell if I can or cant do it.

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let me talk to a few people and see what I can do for ya! If you know anything about cars I can probably get you a job at a certain delarship I have a great contact! also pm me with what your actual skills are and I'll see what I can do!

Which dealership?

And . . .

I hope OP's car isn't financed with me.

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