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Weekend in the dirt.....


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I was told yesterday at Hinds that Honda Northwest sells the Wayne sticker....I can probably get my hands on 3 30day Ohio stickers, which means we can bypass the BMV for 30 days. I don't see us going there more than once in 30days. I guess the one you get from BMV once you register is like a 4 year sticker......will expire in '09. There is no way I can get my bike to BMV for them to inspect and make it to the other place by Saturday morn. For some reason I want to say Hocking is different from Wayne. I'm talking about heading to the area in which I lost Kobe. Find trails there and making a day of it.

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Im down for whatever but all the sticker BS is a mess.. you actually need 2 stickers.. a Wayne sticker and a ohio bmv sticker that just says the bike is registered with them. Im suprised ously hasnt replied to this thread yet.. I guess its time to text him and question about maybe heading up by his place.. I know that there are trails and fields up that way also, I grew up in that area..

I just sent ously a text and asked about his track and told him to check this thread.

Putty,, your seriously thinking about taking another bike to Kobe's burial grounds.. wow, kinda risky..

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Why the hell do they want you to have tags for a facking dirt bike. That is ass N nine....

Once you do that then you have to have insurance, what a crock...

Hey guys I will be free the Weekend of the 29th so if you decide to head north that weekend, I will hook up then....

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Why the hell do they want you to have tags for a facking dirt bike. That is ass N nine....

Once you do that then you have to have insurance, what a crock...

Hey guys I will be free the Weekend of the 29th so if you decide to head north that weekend, I will hook up then....

Insurance on a dirt bike is dirt cheap, three bucks a month in some cases. That's a small price to pay, not to mention if something happens while on one and your found to be liable for injuries and damages........

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ok so this coming weekend the 8th and 9th i have a camping/canoe trip. but we could ride until like 5pm??? i dont have too many trails in the woods though. its mainly all track. about 50 acres of hillside. the big track has big jumps and the starting gate. the lil track hasnt been ridden on in years and has tall grass. def dont need a damn sticker! haha ill talk to u guys tonight at shell about it. i was planning on the gap the 15th and 16th.

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in 98 i was with honda. 99 with yamaha on the 125 bike of the year(biggest piece of shit i ever rode) then 00 and 01 back with honda. i wasnt on the semi or anything, just had what they called a factory ride.. on a smaller scale. i was only top 40 in the nation. which is also why im not a millionaire now that im retired! haha

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Im down for whatever but all the sticker BS is a mess.. you actually need 2 stickers.. a Wayne sticker and a ohio bmv sticker that just says the bike is registered with them. Im suprised ously hasnt replied to this thread yet.. I guess its time to text him and question about maybe heading up by his place.. I know that there are trails and fields up that way also, I grew up in that area..

I just sent ously a text and asked about his track and told him to check this thread.

Putty,, your seriously thinking about taking another bike to Kobe's burial grounds.. wow, kinda risky..

Fuck yes, you need two stickers!! I was told the Wayne one is the most important one, but I might as well get both. They've ridden there 4 times this year with neither of them. If I can get those 30 day ones we are good. Well, let me know what Trav says about his place. Actually, i wrote off hocking, but i'll take the dirt bitch down there. She's covered from damages, too.

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my place is good this sat. we can meet early sat morning and follow me up. jus texted aaron bout it. i dont need to leave my house untill 5pm and we will all be DONE with riding by then. at least my out of shape butt will be.

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my place is good this sat. we can meet early sat morning and follow me up. jus texted aaron bout it. i dont need to leave my house untill 5pm and we will all be DONE with riding by then. at least my out of shape butt will be.

What dirtbike do you have now?

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i still have my 98 cr250 works bike.. its old but it whooped all of those heavy ass 4 stroke 450's at the last race i was at this year and i have my cr125 that has 185 pounds of compression and jus sits and collects dust.. there are trails in the woods, jus really shitty ones and not that many. ok gots to go

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