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Scott Brown


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Oh man, thank the good lord Scott Brown was elected. Lord in your infinite wisdom you have rained down mana from the heavens by having people come to their senses and vote for Scott Brown.

Lord you are truly the source of all that is good in this country! We, the true americans, are living through Job's struggle and we see that your allowing Barack HUSSEIN Obama to be elected is a trial we must endure so that our faith is even stronger!



and yes, i can say THANK THE LORD !!! without any sarcasm whatsoever
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The change coming in November can be predicted rather easily. Midterm elections rarely ever go well for the President's party....Rep or Dem. Of course the Dems will make excuses, and the Reps will say they were right...but the reality is ...history is repeating itself. Like it always does.

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I don't know health care is the reason they did. Massachusetts has health care similar to the bill being worked currently. I think it more likely they are unhappy with the economy and think the HCB is the wrong thing to be concentrating on right now. We might also be in a period of politics where we see a pendulum affect until the economy improves a bit.

Having said that we do know that Coakley mailed it in and hardly campaigned at all for the seat while Brown worked his ass off getting his message out to the people. Brown definitely got out there and did a much better job than Coakley for a seat that I think was more of a toss up given issues like the economy than people thought.

In the end I said both were bad candidates and Coakley was the worse choice of the two. I don't think either was deserving of the seat.

Coakley "mailed it in"?? WTF?

Ummm....she had the current president, a former president, and a Massachusetts Senator campaigning with her. She was polling 30% higher than her next closest competitor (Brown) a mere 30 days before the election.

From what I've heard (talking to business associates in MA) insurance premiums have increased up to 30% for many, and most are not overly enamored with the state run health plan, and a very high percentage of those who voted for Brown (like 56% or something) said they voted for him because he was going to OPPOSE the current health care control plan before the Senate.

What part of this did you miss?

Nancy Pelosi has stated that even if he wins, they will still pass the health care bill. I can't remember who exactly said it, but I know that they said they were going to try to delay him taking his seat in order to pass the bill. I hope it was all made up. We shall see how things turn out...

First, Ms. Pelosi is the speaker of the house (as in house of representatives) she doesn't have shit to do with when Brown gets seated. Mr. Brown is a SENATOR. The joker that runs things in the Senate is Harry Reid who has already said that he'll be seated as soon as the proper paperwork is filed.

It will be interesting to see if BHO continues to follow Alinsky, or if he pulls a Clinton and moves closer to the center to get this all worked out. One thing for sure, he'll talk a good game but whether he'll deliver is another thing entirely.

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Coakley "mailed it in"?? WTF?

Ummm....she had the current president, a former president, and a Massachusetts Senator campaigning with her. She was polling 30% higher than her next closest competitor (Brown) a mere 30 days before the election.

From what I've heard (talking to business associates in MA) insurance premiums have increased up to 30% for many, and most are not overly enamored with the state run health plan, and a very high percentage of those who voted for Brown (like 56% or something) said they voted for him because he was going to OPPOSE the current health care control plan before the Senate.

What part of this did you miss?

What part of her not going out and doing any campaigning other than those appearances did you miss?

You realize he supported the Mass health care plan right?

Health care might have been part of it, but it wasn't the sole reason he was voted in. If it was the people are morons.

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What part of her not going out and doing any campaigning other than those appearances did you miss?

She's been campaigning since September, won a primary, and had a 30% lead going into it. She campaigned plenty. Apparently, most of it was with the wrong person. I'll let you figure out who that was (here's a hint, the last three people he's campaigned for have LOST)

You realize he supported the Mass health care plan right?

Well aware of that fact. I'm also aware that a Republican Governor signed the bill into law. I also know that in the short time its been in place its been a huge failure. For instance, the least expensive alternative for someone making around $30,000.00 a year is over $9,000.00 per year in premiums and out of pocket expenses. There are more details here: http://www.boston.com/bostonglobe/editorial_opinion/oped/articles/2009/03/02/mass_healthcare_reform_is_failing_us/

Health care might have been part of it, but it wasn't the sole reason he was voted in. If it was the people are morons.

In my opinion, that was reason enough, and many people in MA that voted for him echoed that. The current proposals for health care reform don't reform anything (other than who's running the show). The proposals do nothing to limit cost and improve portability for the vast majority of Americans. They do, however, come with a guarantee of increasing the costs for EVERYONE by adding poor risks to the pool and forcing everyone else to pick up the tab.

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well I was skimmin' through the channels after it was announced scott brown won last night... I was seeing how Rachel Maddow would react (what female executive did she scissor fuck to get a show?) and she was interviewing howard dean and she asked "how does this affect the Dems ability to pass healthcare reform ... and he said the dems next plan would just be to expand medicare to the 55 year olds and up and go from there because and I loosely quote "but frankly the Senate bill didn't really have any reform in it, so we could pass that and ram it through with reconciliation"

He also said he wouldn't involve the republicans on anything because republicans are their "own special interest group". That is one big glass of denial the Dems are drinking.

funny how he pulls a Joe Biden and admits the bill had NOTHING to do with reforming the healthcare system, it was really about transfer of wealth.


(its like the last 30 seconds of the interview)

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That is one big glass of denial the Dems are drinking.

funny how he pulls a Joe Biden and admits the bill had NOTHING to do with reforming the healthcare system, it was really about transfer of wealth.

Yeah, most of us new that already anyway..... and expanding medicare down to 55 is just an attempt to get more people dependent on a program so they can buy votes with it. People in that age group are most stable, employed, insured people in the country. until that passes and they become dependent on medicare.... then you'll be seeing ads on TV about the evil republicans who want to slash medicare and the hero dem who wants to give you more..... lol

Edited by Rod38um
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Yeah, most of us new that already anyway..... and expanding medicare down to 55 is just an attempt to get more people dependent on a program so they can buy votes with it. People in that age group are most stable, employed, insured people in the country. until that passes and they become dependent on medicare.... then you'll be seeing ads on TV about the evil republicans who want to slash medicare and the hero dem who wants to give you more..... lol

I don't understand how they can cut medicare payments to providers by $500,000,000,000.00 and ADD people to the program. Must be that fuzzy progressive math.

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Olbermann is such a douche! Apparently he thinks Massachusetts voters are racist... and so is Scott Brown because he drives a pickup truck... I couldn't make this stuff up, see for yourself!


What? you thought only conservatives were douches?

yin and yang

peace and war

ford and chevy

rush and olberman

there's always a sense of balance to the universe.

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