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Obama Dollars!


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With all the tax credits for new home,auto,clunkers and whatever else you would think they could throw a bone to the average guy. With all the home forclosures and what have you they should really give some kind of kick back to the people that have had to tightend there belts and are still standing.

1. Bought house 4 yrs. ago = Dont qualify.

2. Clunker = Not tricking me into debt. to stimulate economy.

3. Energy efficient windows = I was a year too late.

4. I'm sure there are more = probaly dont qualify

5. Going to work and paying my bills = I WANT MY OBAMA DOLLARS!

Barack you are starting to make me think wtf was i thinking!

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I feel what you're saying. Everytime one of these schemes came out I knew I wouldn't qualify. Oh wells. I guess being responsible and already doing the right thing is reward enough.

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I feel what you're saying. Everytime one of these schemes came out I knew I wouldn't qualify. Oh wells. I guess being responsible and already doing the right thing is reward enough.

I should probaly look at it that way.

Wait till work closes up you get 25 Obama Dollars a week.

With that attitude im sure it will be sooner than later.

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i dont follow politics to much, but when he was runnin for president he said he would pull all of the troops out of iraq.. i dont remember but it was like a month ago that he was "sending over 30 thousand troops to iraq" way to tell our enemy what we are doing and how many we are sending over there... i just dont see how he has helped our counrty at all...

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ouch speedwolf02. Yea you can say you dont follow news much at all either. 30K troops are going to Afganistan not Iraq. Troops are actually starting to leave Iraq. Im not a fan of Obama either btw..

over seas!!! what ever!! i was close enough.. at least i was right about the 30k troops right?

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over seas!!! what ever!! i was close enough.. at least i was right about the 30k troops right?

lol...sorry you lose. Over seas can be anywhere and Iraq and Afganistan arent even next to each other. I personally would like to know what specific country 30K troops are heading to.

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With all the tax credits for new home,auto,clunkers and whatever else you would think they could throw a bone to the average guy. With all the home forclosures and what have you they should really give some kind of kick back to the people that have had to tightend there belts and are still standing.

Barack you are starting to make me think wtf was i thinking!

Who do you think is going to be required to pay for all the stuff he gives away? I can tell you! Any poor schmuck who is employed and the children and grandchildren who are already in debt to this reckless spending!

I've spent my life watching politics and one thing is sure.... Anytime a government program is created, the working guy gets hit with higher taxes and fee's!

If a man ever wants anything more out of life than what someone else gives him, then he needs to vote for those who will allow him to keep more of what he earns. If you earn it, you have pride in it, you learn to respect the work of others, life can be good..... If you sit on your ass and wine till someone gives you something, you learn nothing and those who are forced to pay for what you have, will resent you..............

I'm guessing you must be employed......

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If a man ever wants anything more out of life than what someone else gives him, then he needs to vote for those who will allow him to keep more of what he earns. If you earn it, you have pride in it, you learn to respect the work of others, life can be good..... If you sit on your ass and wine till someone gives you something, you learn nothing and those who are forced to pay for what you have, will resent you..............

I'm guessing you must be employed......

Employed yes. I definatly take pride in what i work/working for.

The first four on my list of rants are just timing. Either i bought too soon/too late.

The last is what i think BHO will in the future bone me out of. I will admit that i was drinkin' the Obama Kool-Aid and it just doesnt seem to be panning out. I hope that things will turn around and that some of his ideas start to work for the better. I'm finding it harder and harder to defend my reasoning for supporting him.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I feel your pain, as an average middle class working man...I am getting the shaft. I made enough that I don't get squat back from the IRS, while those making way less than me are getting double back what they put in...my fiance is one of these people..lol. She is getting the EIC, MWP, Child credit, etc...etc...etc.. I get...um nothing while she is banking over $5,000 in her return. I told her that she better enjoy it now because when we get married...most of that extra cash is going to go away. It doesn't seem right...I work hard, pay all of my bills, carry good health insurance...then, get raped by "child extortion" from my ex, screwed by the gov't on taxes, and sometimes run out of money before I run out of week. Sometimes I think I should just say f*ck it and quit everything...collect my Obama money and free health care and enjoy spending more quality time at home with my family living my newly subsidized lifestyle. (I am kidding...I could never live with myself leaching off of society like that) This country is so screwed up for rewarding and encouraging underachievement and failure while making it harder and harder on those that actually contribute something to this society besides welfare babies. Makes me sick :(

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