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The video is pretty funny, I'll admit. But, the author/uploader should include that THIS SHOULD NOT BE ATTEMPTED. Cuz, we all know some idiot somewhere in the world will try this and severely injure his/her pet. Again, THIS SHOULD NOT BE DONE. THIS VIDEO IS PURELY FOR COMEDY NOT FOR REAL!!!

I happen to have 2 cats and a dog and I love them to death. They're my 1st cats ever and I almost enjoy them more than dogs, because they're not a nuisance like dogs are. Needing to be let outside for shits/piss, walks, etc. Barking, can't stand it! Smell and need baths constantly. 2 words= Dog breath! Much more, but I love my dog. But since I got my 1st 2 cats in 2005, I'd rather own a feline other than a dog too. Oh yeah...I found out that what Robert DeNiro said in "Meet The Parents" about why cats are more superior than dogs is definately a TRUE statement. Dogs can be broken, cats can't. Cats have more personality and are more independent animals.

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I totally agree with you ninja. Dogs take way too much effort. I'll take a cat over a dog any day.

you BOTH suck. if your dog is yapping, you've got a cat, real dogs weigh more than 60lbs and never fit in your purse. sorry but i hate small dogs give me a rott or nothin. I've got two of them, they NEVER bark unless something is going on, like someone on the lawn, in the drive etc. cats don't do that. and if someone broke into the house, cats are gonna run, my dogs would fight to the death to protect me. period. also dogs listen, cats don't. yeah dogs need let out but it's not that often, and mine sit by the door and will wait till your ready to let them out patiently. there like children, you need to spend time with them and teach them, but in the end the rewards are so much greater than any cat. :D

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Buddy I knew there was something sick that I liked about you. But until you have two hundred pound groundhog, cat, snake, skunk, and who knows what else killing, Black Labs protecting your bike and property, you just haven't lived!

Not that I mind the scrap dudes driving around and picking through your trash, but the best bang for your buck is to see their eyes get wide as saucers and to hear, "Oh shit! Big Dog!" There are some things even Visa can't buy.

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I happen to have 2 cats and a dog and I love them to death. They're my 1st cats ever and I almost enjoy them more than dogs, because they're not a nuisance like dogs are. Needing to be let outside for shits/piss, walks, etc. Barking, can't stand it! Smell and need baths constantly. 2 words= Dog breath! Much more, but I love my dog. But since I got my 1st 2 cats in 2005, I'd rather own a feline other than a dog too. Oh yeah...I found out that what Robert DeNiro said in "Meet The Parents" about why cats are more superior than dogs is definately a TRUE statement. Dogs can be broken, cats can't. Cats have more personality and are more independent animals.

Not to mention when you go on vacation all you need to do is drop a big bowl of food and a big bowl of water... and when you get back... they are like, "oh yeah, you again... whatever." Cats are way more entertaining than dogs...

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i love all animals...i just wouldnt own certain ones.....im a dog person for the most part, but cats are still very very entertaining animals that are EASY to take care of because you dont have too... A mother stray gave birth to kittens on my back patio over the summer, my friends wanted me to drown them....im a hippie....i CANT do that.....so....i fed the mommy, built a kitten coral to keep them safe, and when it was time to ween them thats what i did. All the cat are gome, gave them away and relocated mommy to a farm house out in the boonies!!!! 2 of the kittens went to my mom in toledo because she is alone in a big house. She use to HATE cate, but she saw the kittens and fell in love. Now she wouldnt give them up for ANYTHING, and this truley makes me happy having her being happy over having "companions" in the house.

sorry it was long BUT all animals have a purpose, just may not be the purpose for you!!!

DONT TORTURE YOUR ANIMALS PPL!!!!! (i think that mommy cat WAS tortured because of abnormal bone srtucture i could fee in her rib cage.

soor for the novel but i cant stand ppl talkin shit about animals.........

...even the horror stories you hear about animals attacking ppl....they kill ppl out of instinct and fear..or training from a stupid human...


to quoat "The Matrix" "humans are like a virus"...thats truley my beleif

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I like my cat and both my dogs but, A dog is a companion and a cat is a roommate. Dogs live to serve you and are always glad to see you but cats

think your a vending machine\servant. Love them both but just differently.

Yes pops I am sick but I am trying to get help. I just cant find a doctor with a death wish.

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you BOTH suck. if your dog is yapping, you've got a cat, real dogs weigh more than 60lbs and never fit in your purse. :D

I agree 110%! I have a choc lab and he is always happy to see me, and never barks unless something is wrong! If the word help comes out of my mouth he is attacking who ever else is by me! He protects me and my property! Show me a cat that can do that and maybe I will own another one! I had a cat for 16 yrs and that cat was never happy to see me, and was always sleeping somewhere!

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I like my cat and both my dogs but, A dog is a companion and a cat is a roommate. Dogs live to serve you and are always glad to see you but cats

think your a vending machine\servant. Love them both but just differently.

Yes pops I am sick but I am trying to get help. I just cant find a doctor with a death wish.

I think Kavorkian is out of prison now. Next time I see you remind me to tell you about my Labs and I getting kicked out of obedience school, expelled is more like it.

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If the owner establishes the necessity to mind early training is much easier and the dogs are always controllable in normal situations.

I have both (had up to 5 Setters at one time) and a cat. The cat acts like a dog sometimes when it comes to food, but all my cats are lovey at first then after a few months they change and turn into the normal "I'll do what I want." A cat can be trained, if you have the stamina. We messed up with ours as I forgot to take out the Doggy door for the back yard when it came time to make her mind. (previous cat would come in from outside when told too)

If you make the cat mind one time (chase it till you corner it, no need to hurt the cat either) it will mind when it knows it must.

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I agree 110%! I have a choc lab and he is always happy to see me, and never barks unless something is wrong! If the word help comes out of my mouth he is attacking who ever else is by me! He protects me and my property! Show me a cat that can do that and maybe I will own another one! I had a cat for 16 yrs and that cat was never happy to see me, and was always sleeping somewhere!

Maybe you're not a likeable person. :p

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Maybe you're not a likeable person. :p

Nope, I would say its the cat and not the 750girl that I know. Hell, Im a bigger asshole than she is as far as I can tell, but maybe your just lashing out at others because you dont like yourself..... :offtopic::asshole:

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Nope, I would say its the cat and not the 750girl that I know. Hell, Im a bigger asshole than she is as far as I can tell, but maybe your just lashing out at others because you dont like yourself..... :offtopic::asshole:

I'm not lashing out at anyone. I do see you don't understand the :p emotion though. It's an emotion that means "joking around/teasing".

Since you want to assume things and call names, I'll just say that you're right, and it does look like you might be an asshole.


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LOL....yep, so many comments are taken out of context. I don't dislike vectorvictor, but he called me an asshole for just joking around with gsxrgirl.:confused:

Sorry for taking you out of context. I appologize for the mistake and credit you one....I am an asshole!!!

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