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The World's Fastest Indian


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Couldn't find it locally, got it through BlockBuster online. Anthony Hopkins had me slapping my knee and cheering him on at the same time. I've only bought one other movie, seeing a movie once is enough for me, this will be number two. His shack makes mine look like a palace, so if anyone that's not going to Mid Ohio, Sunday, wants to come over to watch it on tv, you're welcome at the PPP. We'll cookout here. The races are televised starting at 4.

After seeing this movie I'm on a mission again. After having my 88 ZX10, I knew I had to see the 200 mark, it's personal. It can't be on a new bike, it'll be on a late 80's normally aspirated, no NOS ZX10. The bike hunt is on! We'll stretch it, bore it, stroke it, whatever it takes. Pops is going to see 200 on record, not sitting in jail looking at a ticket, or seeing it on the speedo. I want it on record that ProudPops did 200mph on a bike built built by Clutch!


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Im thinking a trip to the Bonneville Salt Flats for Speed Week. I was checking their dates and registrations last night. I don't care how long it takes to get to 200, I just want it to be at a recorded event. Seems to me I've heard of another speed week somewhere east of the Mississippi, but I'm drawing a blank.


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