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*rant* f*cking police


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:mad: pisses me off to no end.. I am coming home last night at about 2 am from the bars downtown, cruising down Bethel Rd and I get pulled over for 56 in a 40....understandable, I was breaking the law so I deserved it but this is not why I am pissed. I get pulled over that late, have a case of beer in my back seat, box open..and he doesnt even ask if I had been drinking (I had NOT been by the way, was DD). Just pisses me off that there are a shit ton of drunk drivers out on the road that night and they are more worried about the sober speeders. AND this is the kicker, I pull over into a parking lot where there is a bar. While I am sitting there getting my ticket you have a ton of people coming out to their cars from the bar and driving home..and I am the one getting the ticket instead of those assholes.. bullshit *rant over* carry on
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......he was "drunk hunting"....or at least thats what the cops call it!!!!....i got yanked one night for NOT USING MY TURN SIGNAL at a light where i was in a designated turn only lane..he lit me up...je let me off, but that was because i was stone cold sober!!!! it was 2:15 in the AM...

duck....i mean DRUNK HUNTING is common amoung cops....they will pull you over for anything they can find JUST too see if your drunk at that time in the morning....they are not the smartest pl in the world so they have to use LUCK most of the time to catch the bad guys!!!!! i mean come on, thats why they are working the streets and not a detective :)

dont get me wrong there are goood and bad cops... i judge on a per cop basis....but i still realize that "stereo type" ussually run true for most situations

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an open case or a 6 pack missing a beer is considered open container in Ohio
No its not. In fact, if you want to get away with the open container you can use a bottle that closes (push top water bottles, something with a screw on top, etc). As long as you're not above the legal limit, there is no way for them to prove it was open in the car. Hell, a bottle of wine with the cork put back in isn't considered an open container.
In Ohio , these laws make it illegal to have or drink from an open container of alcohol in designated areas such as sidewalks, streets, lawns, etc. This law most commonly applies to having alcohol in parked or moving vehicles. Violation of these laws in Ohio could mean up to 6 months jail time and/or $1000.00 fine.
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No its not. In fact, if you want to get away with the open container you can use a bottle that closes (push top water bottles, something with a screw on top, etc). As long as you're not above the legal limit, there is no way for them to prove it was open in the car. Hell, a bottle of wine with the cork put back in isn't considered an open container.

Section 154 of 23 U.S.C.:

In 1998, as part of the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21).

Restoration Act, a new Federal program was established to encourage States to adopt laws that prohibit the possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages in the passenger areas of a motor vehicle (23 USC 154).

Commonly referred to as "open container laws," if a State does not achieve compliance with the Federal program requirements, a portion of that State"s federal-aid highway construction funds will be redirected to the State"s Section 402 appropriation. Transferred funds may be used only for alcohol-impaired driving countermeasures, enforcement of drunk driving laws or the State"s hazard elimination program under Section 152.

To comply with the Federal program under Section 154, a State"s open container law must:

  • Prohibit both possession of any open alcoholic beverage container and consumption of any alcoholic beverage
  • Cover the passenger area of any motor vehicle, including unlocked glove compartments and any other areas of the vehicle that are readily accessible to the driver or passengers while in their seats
  • Apply to all open alcoholic beverage containers and all alcoholic beverages, including beer, wine, and spirits that contain one-half of one percent or more of alcohol by volume (including 3.2 percent beer)
  • Apply to all vehicle occupants except for passengers of vehicles designed, maintained or used primarily for the transportation of people for compensation (such as buses, taxi cabs, and limousines) or the living quarters of motor homes
  • Apply to all vehicles on a public highway or the right-of-way (i.e. on the shoulder) of a public highway
  • Require primary enforcement of the law, rather than requiring probable cause that another violation had been committed before allowing enforcement of the open container law.

Currently, 36 States and the District of Columbia comply with the terms of this law. These States are: Alabama, Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Washington, and Wisconsin.

It's the Fed program that Ohio is in compliance with...

A buddy of mine in college got pulled over for speeding and got nailed with open container despite not having drank a drop... He had four loose beers in the floor of his truck from the prior weekend... Of course he was an idiot and acted like a total ass to the cop...

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Nice little tid-bit of info, didnt know that but still..deal with the peple who are out there killing people daily driving smashed instead of DRUNK HUNTING. And I dont think he was drunk hunting, he didnt even look in my car for alcohol nor did he ask me if I had been drinking etc.. should have been a warning so that he could be on his merry way to fuck with people driving drunk, which in my eyes is the more serious of the two crimes. especially when they are walking out of a bar 50ft away and getting into a car to drive. drunk hunt those assholes

It's the Fed program that Ohio is in compliance with...

A buddy of mine in college got pulled over for speeding and got nailed with open container despite not having drank a drop... He had four loose beers in the floor of his truck from the prior weekend... Of course he was an idiot and acted like a total ass to the cop...

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......he was "drunk hunting"....or at least thats what the cops call it!!!!....i got yanked one night for NOT USING MY TURN SIGNAL at a light where i was in a designated turn only lane..he lit me up...je let me off, but that was because i was stone cold sober!!!! it was 2:15 in the AM...

duck....i mean DRUNK HUNTING is common amoung cops....they will pull you over for anything they can find JUST too see if your drunk at that time in the morning....they are not the smartest pl in the world so they have to use LUCK most of the time to catch the bad guys!!!!! i mean come on, thats why they are working the streets and not a detective :)

dont get me wrong there are goood and bad cops... i judge on a per cop basis....but i still realize that "stereo type" ussually run true for most situations

Yeah they are looking for anything that late. You figure its near bar closing time so their chances are good. Plus the "no turn signal" sometimes can mean a stolen car since the columns get peeled during theft.

They have been cruising my complex alot lately thank God... couple people been broke into and a few robbed late at night( 1:30-3:00am). They believe its some young punks living nearby in another complex with someone who lives in my complex acting as watch-out. I stay armed when i am out that late at night when leaving my gf's house who lives nearby. Sorry to hear they harassed you though.

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Nice little tid-bit of info, didnt know that but still..deal with the peple who are out there killing people daily driving smashed instead of DRUNK HUNTING. And I dont think he was drunk hunting, he didnt even look in my car for alcohol nor did he ask me if I had been drinking etc.. should have been a warning so that he could be on his merry way to fuck with people driving drunk, which in my eyes is the more serious of the two crimes. especially when they are walking out of a bar 50ft away and getting into a car to drive. drunk hunt those assholes

Dude had no way of knowing whether or not you were wasted out of your mind until he pulled you over... Further, giving the warning takes just as long as writing the ticket... The fact that he didn't ask you if you've been drinking indicates he could tell you hadn't been...

Every time I see posts/threads like this I always think the same thing:

Should you get away with a crime because there are people committing worse crimes out there? I'm totally going to steal your bike and when I get caught my defense is going to be that there are people out there killing people... Does that make sense?

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I often get off work at 2 or 3am and if I stay on Polaris to Westerville Road there's almost always a cop sitting at on of the intersections as if they are sitting at the light (on Polaris), often they appear to be going the opposite way. When I pass, they will u-turn in the intersection and follow me! Sometimes I go that way just for fun, to give them something to do.

I don't ride my bike to work that often but the couple times I have, I haven't seen the "hunters" on my way home. They would definitely follow me then, I'm sure!

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You guys bitching about this "drunk hunting" are rediculous. Seriously. Despite what you may think, must drunks aren't easily identifiable while driving. They AREN'T swerving all over the road making it obvious most of the time. Cops use other stops around bar hours in an attempt to catch drunks.

And 16 over in an area with bars around closing time? You were begging to be pulled over. You deserved the ticket just for being a dipshit.

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You guys bitching about this "drunk hunting" are rediculous. Seriously. Despite what you may think, must drunks aren't easily identifiable while driving. They AREN'T swerving all over the road making it obvious most of the time. Cops use other stops around bar hours in an attempt to catch drunks.

ok....why cant we bitch about it then??? Sounds like a fair bitch too. Just because the drunks are hard to catch , WTF should I have to get yanked everyweekend for being out at the "wrong time"???

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ok....why cant we bitch about it then??? Sounds like a fair bitch too. Just because the drunks are hard to catch , WTF should I have to get yanked everyweekend for being out at the "wrong time"???

What's the other option? Wait until the drunks kill somebody to find them? It's not like he was pullled over for no reason...

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ok....why cant we bitch about it then??? Sounds like a fair bitch too. Just because the drunks are hard to catch , WTF should I have to get yanked everyweekend for being out at the "wrong time"???

You can bitch about anything you want. Not much of a fair bitch though. 16 over, expecially at that time of night more than a decent reason to pull him over.

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What's the other option? Wait until the drunks kill somebody to find them? It's not like he was pullled over for no reason...

well, I mentioned the "drunk hunting" bit here in this thread as a reply to the original. So when dude said we were "whining" about "drunk hunting" and we were "rediculous", he was making that statement towards me, and I was pulled over for CRAP and I feel that statement is rediculous, OK??? I mean seriously...fuck it, instead of the "police stops" just everyonce in a while, why not set up check points every friday and sat night...i say right in front of your neigborhood so YOU GET HASSLED!!! as for the manpower...well stop the cruiser sitting in the parking lots at 8:00 am and put them on drunk hunting duty

I dont think that JUST because you are out at 2:00 in tha AM you should be DISCRIMINATED against!!!! You think that cop would have stopped ME if it was 5:00 pm??? hell no he wouldnt have!!!! I know...if i didnt do anything wrong he wouldnt stop you...ok, but we all know they will find somthing even IF you do nothing wrong.

doesnt it seem a bit funny that a cop would even call it "drunk hunting" ?? Likes it a game or some shit!!!

ok bash the shit out of me!!!!! :lol::lol::lol: (too tired to reason right now)

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well, I mentioned the "drunk hunting" bit here in this thread as a reply to the original. So when dude said we were "whining" about "drunk hunting" and we were "rediculous", he was making that statement towards me, and I was pulled over for CRAP and I feel that statement is rediculous, OK??? I mean seriously...fuck it, instead of the "police stops" just everyonce in a while, why not set up check points every friday and sat night...i say right in front of your neigborhood so YOU GET HASSLED!!! as for the manpower...well stop the cruiser sitting in the parking lots at 8:00 am and put them on drunk hunting duty

I dont think that JUST because you are out at 2:00 in tha AM you should be DISCRIMINATED against!!!! You think that cop would have stopped ME if it was 5:00 pm??? hell no he wouldnt have!!!! I know...if i didnt do anything wrong he wouldnt stop you...ok, but we all know they will find somthing even IF you do nothing wrong.

doesnt it seem a bit funny that a cop would even call it "drunk hunting" ?? Likes it a game or some shit!!!

ok bash the shit out of me!!!!! :lol::lol::lol: (too tired to reason right now)

Oh please... Poor you... Getting pulled over for breaking the law is hardly being hassled... Sobriety checkpoints are crazy effective too... Especially since they make the location, date, and time of said checkpoint public information... They tell you in advance on the news...

MY story was a turn signal in a designated turn lane

Breaking the law... I hate when the man brings me down...

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how come you guys arent giving POPs all kinds of shit for the favor post???? hmmmmmmm seems to me ppl on this board JUMP at the chance to bash ppl that break the law and bash the living shit outta ppl with stories that do....but yet POPs is a diff story??? why is this???? if someone says "mistake" FU!!!! I remember a post about a wheelie a dude did....and all kinds of bashing went on....hmmmmmmmmmmm....nothing but support in that thread...but I DIGRESS (a putty kind of snipe)...that has nothing to do with this thread sorry :lol:

fuck it man..you guys are right, i broke the law at 2:30 but i bet if it was 5:00 he would NOT have yanked me!!!!! (as no one denied this in the other post) It was the time that was the factor NOT the crime!!!!!!

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how come you guys arent giving POPs all kinds of shit for the favor post???? hmmmmmmm seems to me ppl on this board JUMP at the chance to bash ppl that break the law and bash the living shit outta ppl with stories that do....but yet POPs is a diff story??? why is this???? if someone says "mistake" FU!!!! I remember a post about a wheelie a dude did....and all kinds of bashing went on....hmmmmmmmmmmm....nothing but support in that thread...but I DIGRESS (a putty kind of snipe)...that has nothing to do with this thread sorry :lol:

fuck it man..you guys are right, i broke the law at 2:30 but i bet if it was 5:00 he would NOT have yanked me!!!!! (as no one denied this in the other post) It was the time that was the factor NOT the crime!!!!!!

The only reason I didn't give Pop's shit is because he admits fault and makes no excuses... And you are probably right, you might not have gotten pulled over at 5pm vs. 2:30am... Then again, the drunk to sober ratio is going to be greatest when? At 2:30am, right after the bars close... Hmmm...

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. And you are probably right, you might not have gotten pulled over at 5pm vs. 2:30am... Then again, the drunk to sober ratio is going to be greatest when? At 2:30am, right after the bars close... Hmmm...

ok im done!!! :bitchfight::bitchfight: I see what your saying but dont totally agree on the reasoning ( i did break the law albeit a very very very minor charge) and you will never at least see what im saying/the point im trying to make, so im done.......have fun and ride safe....and dont forget those turn signals in the right turn lanes!!! lol

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You guys bitching about this "drunk hunting" are rediculous. Seriously. Despite what you may think, must drunks aren't easily identifiable while driving. They AREN'T swerving all over the road making it obvious most of the time. Cops use other stops around bar hours in an attempt to catch drunks.

And 16 over in an area with bars around closing time? You were begging to be pulled over. You deserved the ticket just for being a dipshit.

im not pissed about getting pulled over

im not pissed about getting a ticket, I said I deserved it (read the post "dipshit")

im was upset b/c what I was doing more than likely wasnt going to kill anyone but the dumbasses coming out of bar drunk and then driving will...whats more important? doesnt matter I guess

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