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holy shit..


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One of the cops shot twice around the 3:38min mark....I guess those were the warning shots :dunno:. Looks like they don't mess around in Cinci, especially in Blue Ash. Just want to throw this out there....but who's bright idea was it to jump on the hood of a run away car :stupid:.

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I hear you McLovin. I think he did that so he would have a reason to shoot. Once he jumped on that hood and the guy tried to take off, that was cause to shoot because it was attempted murder on the officer. I think the officer on the hood made the situation a kill or be killed situation. His fault there is a dead body.

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They had an easy box with all those vehicles. Instead the cop decides to jump on the hood to put himself in danger; therefore, justifying his senseless murder. The crook should be behind bars, not dead for running from the cops. Give me a break! I hope this officer gets sent up for murder. He is trigger happy and too angry of a man to be in uniform.

Just my $.02 I hate theives, but that guy didn't shoot at any of them. They had him and then the idiot jumps on the hood so it looks like he's in danger so he can sentence the crook his own way.

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They had an easy box with all those vehicles. Instead the cop decides to jump on the hood to put himself in danger; therefore, justifying his senseless murder. The crook should be behind bars, not dead for running from the cops. Give me a break! I hope this officer gets sent up for murder. He is trigger happy and too angry of a man to be in uniform.

Just my $.02 I hate theives, but that guy didn't shoot at any of them. They had him and then the idiot jumps on the hood so it looks like he's in danger so he can sentence the crook his own way.

I'm sure that's EXACTLY what he was thinking in that moment of chaos and adrenaline...

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They had an easy box with all those vehicles. Instead the cop decides to jump on the hood to put himself in danger; therefore, justifying his senseless murder. The crook should be behind bars, not dead for running from the cops. Give me a break! I hope this officer gets sent up for murder. He is trigger happy and too angry of a man to be in uniform.

Just my $.02 I hate theives, but that guy didn't shoot at any of them. They had him and then the idiot jumps on the hood so it looks like he's in danger so he can sentence the crook his own way.

Two simple words...DONT RUN!

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FYI, if this is the case I am thinking of, the dead guy had some traffic warrants. That was it. Apparantly he picked his neighbor (the passanger) up and didn't stop because of the warrants. He probably would've been taken to jail that night and let go 2 hours later. No dead bodies in the trunk, no kilos of crack, nothing. Just a few traffic warrants.

After this incident, some people said it was too much for the cop do to that. Similar to what NinjaNick is saying. But at the same time, he would've been a national hero if he stopped a kidnapping or the guy was wanted for murder.

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every minute that the chase continues, lives are at risk. what if the car would have rolled when the tried to spin it, and the driver and passenger were killed? the cop pulled a gun and fired, car didnt stop. another cop pulled a gun and got on the car. idk about you but i would've stopped the first time i saw a gun pulled no matter what.

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every minute that the chase continues, lives are at risk. what if the car would have rolled when the tried to spin it, and the driver and passenger were killed? the cop pulled a gun and fired, car didnt stop. another cop pulled a gun and got on the car. idk about you but i would've stopped the first time i saw a gun pulled no matter what.

Note to self.... pull gun on Drew at the track and I will win the race.. ;)

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