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F2's and the PPP


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Not talking about the Hondas either.

Woke up this morning to frantic messages from two friends trying to see if I was OK. No idea what they were talking about. Been fighting a cold and went to bed early, real early. Walked outside at 5:00AM, all was cool here. Still no idea. Get to work and the same from my co workers. Turns out Pops slept through the sirens and destruction. The PPP survived, whaddya expect? If you cross the street, go through the beanfield, and on the other side of the tree line, the shit hit the fan. Now we really have a reason to party Saturday night.


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Someone was looking out for ya man. Your house is close as fook to those completly destroyed houses I was just looking at on the news. When they were saying the area, I was like damn, wonder if the PPP is ok? I couldnt get my "wireless" signal to work to try and contact you. Good to hear you and the PPP are ok though. I'm looking foward to saturday, see you then man!! :cool:

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glad to hear you and the place made it out unscathed. my aunt/uncle/cousins live in that area and they too were lucky enough to be missed by it. I too had no idea what had happend until I talked to my dad this afternoon.

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