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Touched A Nerve On This One


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I can be such a jerk. I was venting on the WERA BBS about Speed. Here's what I started out with. I'll try to c&c the rest but it may be in replies.

Speed Channel Frustration


Am I the only one frustrated by their programming times or am I just the only one that has a job to pay the dish bill, so I can get home just in time to watch the very end of the very last race. Then I get the luxury of Superbikes, as Kid Rock says, "WOW!". I can only watch so many stoppies, wheelies, and burnouts. I don't care how many names they have for them, they're still the same. I want to see them on the victory lap of a race, even if I have to listen to Greg White, at least I get to see the race. At least I get to catch Sunday races, but a lot of you are on the track at that time.

I know, Tivo, dvr, tape, and what not. I'm already spending my money so my son can race. I'm not giving anymore to promote a crack head's tv schedule. Oh yeah. Breaking news, Speed won't replie to my emails either. They need to take a lesson or two from Yama-saurus. His customer service and response was great and I now have a liner on the wayfor my TourMaster Intake, thanks to his dilligence.


Here's the first.

All I gotta say


Get with the new lifestyle punk!

Then mine,

WOW!! Punk? I think I touched a nerve there, shouldn't have left that one hanging out of your pocket, or was that a feeling that I stepped on? Chalklining? Isn't that what second graders draw in front of their class? Ooops, sorry, I used the word, class. Yeah, that was from the one and only Superbikes that I forced myself to sit through. Pretty sure it was a quote from the Union Electrician (IBEW) with his Local # tatted on his arm. San Francisco wasn't it? Go figure! Local 37, International Union of Elevator Constructors here bro, or should I say broette?

All I'm asking for are the races to be on so the working class will be able to watch them. I know Tivo is coming for me. I just have to opinionate before I fold.


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Not only do I make up my own songs, I make up my own words.

Dude, I totally took this reply out of context and have sent him a public apology. He was quoting something from SuperBikes, laughing with me, not firing at me. I really blew this one. My reply to him was out of line and I apologize here also.


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