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Where's my post? You guys are something else. Who gives a fuk about the directions on the forum.:supergay: have most of you guys even been there? I say again who gives a fuk.The cops are afraid to come back there.mcbret call me I can't be stoped bwahahahahaha:dunno:

You rock dude.

I dont remember hearing anything about posting directions (to anything) were breaking any rules :postcop:.

Whoever it was please at least have whats it takes to put a post on there saying it has been removed for a valid reason & not try to hide it & it's related posted, thats just f'ing childish. You should be ashamed whoever you are.

Whats the point of posting anything on here if we then have to even wonder if our post will still even exist the next day. The amount of shit slining that goes on in here & you delete a post with some directions to a public place. Thats just f'ing sad.


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You rock dude.

I dont remember hearing anything about posting directions (to anything) were breaking any rules :postcop:.

Whoever it was please at least have whats it takes to put a post on there saying it has been removed for a valid reason & not try to hide it & it's related posted, thats just f'ing childish. You should be ashamed whoever you are.

Whats the point of posting anything on here if we then have to even wonder if our post will still even exist the next day. The amount of shit slining that goes on in here & you delete a post with some directions to a public place. Thats just f'ing sad.


I see your point and the point of whoever deleted it. Posting directions online to that place for all to see isn't a good idea. Nobody knows who everyone is on this site. I don't know if you are aware of it or not but if you are at a place where people are drag racing even as a spectator YOU get a ticket too if the boys in blue show up. The directions should have been PM'ed in the first place, it's a public forum that only requires registration to view. I'm not trying to get in a argument with you or whoever, i think you need to look at from both points of view, it's not like people go there to buy girl scout cookies...

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I do see your point but no one was forcing anyone to go there or pretending it is something it's not & after something like 11 pages already on the subject why now remove a post about it.

There are enough other posts on here about doing bad stuff, getting stupidly drunk, speeding, running from cops, threatening to find people & beat them up etc yet they all remain on here and unedited, does that mean the Admins/Mods deem these as more ACCEPTABLE. :bs: These are much worst than posting direction to some place 99% of the readers are not going to go to anyway.

I guess my point is what are the real rules of selective deletes? Be consistant, if you dont want anyoone posting ANYTHING about breaking any laws you need to delete a pretty big portion of the posts.

I just see this kind of selective targeting as a personal issue not a law or moral issue.

So I still say to whoever deleted it & does not even have the balls to post a reason why or even try to defend the action (not that they are required to) :bigfinger:

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I do see your point but no one was forcing anyone to go there or pretending it is something it's not & after something like 11 pages already on the subject why now remove a post about it.

There are enough other posts on here about doing bad stuff, getting stupidly drunk, speeding, running from cops, threatening to find people & beat them up etc yet they all remain on here and unedited, does that mean the Admins/Mods deem these as more ACCEPTABLE. :bs: These are much worst than posting direction to some place 99% of the readers are not going to go to anyway.

I guess my point is what are the real rules of selective deletes? Be consistant, if you dont want anyoone posting ANYTHING about breaking any laws you need to delete a pretty big portion of the posts.

I just see this kind of selective targeting as a personal issue not a law or moral issue.

So I still say to whoever deleted it & does not even have the balls to post a reason why or even try to defend the action (not that they are required to) :bigfinger:

That's a valid point... For the most part everyone knows what goes on at that place. None of the other 11 pages of the thread had exact directions to the place so there wasn't a need to delete any of those posts. Maybe whoever deleted it did it because someone requested it and they felt it was a valid reason to.

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I'M THE ONE that deleted the post for the fact we have had other posts of HUGE rides and its real funny there are cops posted all throught the route...when we never see any cops up there in the first...mmmm interesting. I also had a post when I was cuffed for speeding, and the cops were talking to me, and I kept on using a "word"...and it was really weird that someone posted in their thread the some damn word...in "quotes"....and I didnt tell anyone about it.....?????....mmmmmm interesting

So here is the deal...if some of the other admins/mods dont delete post of drag racing or something that could get the riders in trouble, that is their chioce.....but it was MY choice to save some people tickets, and save a great place to drag race....with little to no trouble....


go out and drag race or just watching.... you can still get a ticket....I did it so the guys that drag and stunt dont have any extra problems when they are out enjoying what they do....

If you need directions so bad....that is what PMs are for....

Any other problems I can help any of you with?????

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I think its personal towards me. That place has been around a long time "before the ruff ryders" lots of racing has gone down there.

I'll say it one more time......Cops are afraid to go back there. I have been racing there for a long time bikes and cars...we even go there to fuk around and ride wheelies......in 4 years I've seen 2 cops come back there.Thats it!! And both times they didn't stop to talk just drove thru.

Plus if you guys wanted to get down go ahead take a scanner w/ you like I do "works everytime"


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I'M THE ONE that deleted the post for the fact we have had other posts of HUGE rides and its real funny there are cops posted all throught the route...when we never see any cops up there in the first...mmmm interesting. I also had a post when I was cuffed for speeding, and the cops were talking to me, and I kept on using a "word"...and it was really weird that someone posted in their thread the some damn word...in "quotes"....and I didnt tell anyone about it.....?????....mmmmmm interesting

So here is the deal...if some of the other admins/mods dont delete post of drag racing or something that could get the riders in trouble, that is their chioce.....but it was MY choice to save some people tickets, and save a great place to drag race....with little to no trouble....


go out and drag race or just watching.... you can still get a ticket....I did it so the guys that drag and stunt dont have any extra problems when they are out enjoying what they do....

If you need directions so bad....that is what PMs are for....

Any other problems I can help any of you with?????

Ditto! :rulez:

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I'M THE ONE that deleted the post for the fact we have had other posts of HUGE rides and its real funny there are cops posted all throught the route...when we never see any cops up there in the first...mmmm interesting. I also had a post when I was cuffed for speeding, and the cops were talking to me, and I kept on using a "word"...and it was really weird that someone posted in their thread the some damn word...in "quotes"....and I didnt tell anyone about it.....?????....mmmmmm interesting

So here is the deal...if some of the other admins/mods dont delete post of drag racing or something that could get the riders in trouble, that is their chioce.....but it was MY choice to save some people tickets, and save a great place to drag race....with little to no trouble....


go out and drag race or just watching.... you can still get a ticket....I did it so the guys that drag and stunt dont have any extra problems when they are out enjoying what they do....

If you need directions so bad....that is what PMs are for....

Any other problems I can help any of you with?????

You sissy. Who cares...I always take the scanner We'll leave before they get there...Let them get tickets ...The next time we are out there I'll show you the secret path that takes to alum creek!!! That last night we were out therewe raced fukn 20 times the cops rolled thrugh you guys took off no one got busted remember I just got done racing davis's buddy.Tell everyone so if the cops do come you have a better chance get away w/ more ppl around.

By the way sinner ....You help me pick a paint ....a candy corn!!!

And if you guys are riding w/ cops shame on you!!!!I'm kidding I ride w/ cops all the time and if they are on this web site to bust us ........BAN THEM!!!!!

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I gotcha....


any word on the new goodies???

NO I think they are trying to get under my skin.....I'm not to worried it will show .....getting ready for paint ......any ideas? this is so hard I'm thinking of a retro race paint ...like old school rothmans or someting....help.:confused:

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Oh ok it's all clear now. If we dont post the directions then the cops wont know where it is.

So what about the other law breaking posts?

Lets just have a read on this one:

Sprint from Columbus to Zanesville?

Does this seem like EXACTLY the same idea. I also see posts from the Admis/Mods in there but that post was not removed.

Illegal street racing = ok (not deleted)

Running from the cops = ok (not deleted)

Directions to a place eveyone knows about including the cops = very bad (deleted)

A little off topic now but my screen name is MRBRET not MCBRET or BRIT (unless you mean Brit as in British)

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my fingers hunt from typing....Putty do you think it was wrong to delete????

Nope...I totally agree. Somethings are best left unsaid. People who don't search season after season for a place to stunt, wheelie, race or whatever have no idea what's it's like to find a place and keep it somewhat secret, whether half the city or all the riders know where/what it is. Angrish, don't be naive and think cops are afraid to go somewhere/anywhere...:rolleyes:. I don't realize why this is still an issue...If you want directions....PM someone who knows and you'll get them. Bitching about it won't get the directions back....An admin removed them, so consider it gone...Those edits are final...

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NO I think they are trying to get under my skin.....I'm not to worried it will show .....getting ready for paint ......any ideas? this is so hard I'm thinking of a retro race paint ...like old school rothmans or someting....help.:confused:

Rothmans would be cool. Oh god, but smoking is bad, quick edit that post before it is removed for encouraging people to smoke.

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Nope...I totally agree. Somethings are best left unsaid. People who don't search season after season for a place to stunt, wheelie, race or whatever have no idea what's it's like to find a place and keep it somewhat secret, whether half the city or all the riders know where/what it is. Angrish, don't be naive and think cops are afraid to go somewhere/anywhere...:rolleyes:. I don't realize why this is still an issue...If you want directions....PM someone who knows and you'll get them. Bitching about it won't get the directions back....An admin removed them, so consider it gone...Those edits are final...
Blah blah blah blah.......You ain't racing anyone why do you care either way?J/K Cops suk and they are pussies........A lot of ppl on this site are worried about the cops ....Why?

Because you break the law? Also the cops can chase us from spot to spot..There are a ton of places to race in c-bus sooooooooooo Its cool you and born sinner just like to mess up my fun .....damn you ..

No hard feelings!! You guys should buy a scanner .....they work very well ask 420. We won't race w/ out it!!!


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Rothmans would be cool. Oh god, but smoking is bad, quick edit that post before it is removed for encouraging people to smoke.

Depends on what you are smoking? SSSSHHHHHHHH damit bret you are trying to get me banned arn't you hahahhahahhaa

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