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There is something majorly wrong about the fact that an 11 year-old can get birth control pills more easily than an adult. Personally, I think it's horrible that parents are that unaware of what their 6th graders are doing to let it get to the point where middle schools are handing out condoms and bcp. Sorry, I'm an elementary teacher (not a turbo-religious prude), so this hits home. Given the fact that middle school kids haven't even survived puberty yet, it's scary to think of an 11 year-old having a baby. They can't drive yet, so they have to rely on somebody else to cart the baby to appointments and daycare. They can't get a job yet, so they have to rely on somebody to pay for the baby. What happened to the days when schools showed 100's of detailed pictures of every STD you can think of that pretty much scared the shit out of you? What about that video of the entire birthing process? Oh wait, I'm guessing that parents were outraged at the graphic nature of those pictures and videos. They complained about the puberty/sex ed classes that gave the kids way too much information. Why don't we just start handing out the morning after pill in middle schools also, to save the expense of an abortion or having a child. What the hell is the matter with our society? Sorry for the rant.

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The same problem as with drug education... Everything's exaggerated to the point in which kids figure out something's BS, then all credibility is lost. I stopped listening when I was a kid because I recognized that a lot of what I was tought was totally crap.

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