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Hi All...thanks for having me. I'm from NW Ohio and have just bought my first bike but have been riding for the past 25 years or so ( on back :rolleyes:)..and me and my b/f are Truck drivers so we don't get alot of home time to ride or see who all is out there and make friends who ride.:cheers: We're home about 1 week a month, so we're lucky to catch our breaths. We're thinking of joining some local groups like Abate or Baca, but haven't really got the time to invest in it properly yet. We're hoping to get out of trucking soon and have some resemblence to a normal life LOL:D


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Just came thru Columbus a day ago. No we cant take the bikes with us, wish we could though. Traveling the united states and Canada is very interesting with all the sights and people we see, but after awhile it begins to get old and you dream more about the time you get to spend when you're at home. I take tons of pictures while out and about though. I have missed Sturgis twice so far by mere days, and were always under a load... Some day we hope to travel with the bikes.

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