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Venture Guy

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I watched the vid and it was preceded by a commercial of a dog saying that he was an 'optimum pooper' and followed by a video of a woman saying she slammed on the breaks in the snow and hit the car in front of her and there was "nothing you could do". . . interesting

but yeah... the wave would suck. :)

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i love it when awesome things happen during vacations.

the first and only time i was in venice I was visiting my gf in various parts of europe during the so called study abroad), i woke up to the sounds of splashing water. Apparently, during the "high tide season" (spring and fall or something like that) the water level gets up higher than the street level, so all the streets were flooded. thankfully, this was only during the early morning ~ afternoon so it was no biggie. but funny.

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That wave killed at least 2 on the boat and put a few dozen in the hospital. I think they said it was 70' high when it hit. That is a lot of force hitting a boat.

yes..im very surprised that the outcome was not worse. Looks as if it were during the middle of the day. Can you imagine all the people who were outside sunbathing....and bam..instant smack of thousands of gallons of water

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When I heard about this "freak wave" I was surprised, and then I saw video of it which then put everything in perspective. These people were docked and all of a sudden a huge wave comes up and smashes glass and water everywhere?!?! Wow... just wow. Sorry to hear 2 people had to die but like Venture Guy, it could have been worse if everyone was outside sunbathing or something.

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