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Dear Anne Landers


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It's Thursday evening. I'm sitting out back with my dog and his sister, dog sitting for Gettingshaggie, whinning like a girl because I screwed my leg up at work. NotHis calls me and tells me her and her girlfriend are going to the Red Hawk and asks me to join in. Well hell yeah I'll go! Jump in my truck, and off I go. Get there, don't see her Bmmr, no Yukon either, maybe she rode with her girlfriend. Go inside, they're both there, leathers piled by their side. Dammit Jim! They're riding and your driving?

NotHis, "Hey Sunshine. You did not ride here without your jacket! Where's your leather?"

Pops, "Uh, hanging on the back of my chair at home, I drove my truck."

"You did WHAT??? You CandyAss! What a pansie."

We had fun despite the fact that most of it was at my expense. We hung out until the dorkface that kept butting in finally said he can ride the wheels off an R1, but no body can ride an R6 to it's limit. That's when she said, "Don't say it Pops! Just shut up, it's time to go." So we left and I followed the girls on their bikes, in my truck.

So Anne, since I didn't make it home to design Christmas cards and watch the game, my question is, "Did Rutgers win?"


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Pops I agree with you.

A lot of fools think they need a 1000 because they think the 6's are too slow. I highly disagree with them.

I traded my 600 for an R1...but mainly for looks. My 600 was my first bike and it was dropped...so that's why I upgraded. I freely admit that I cant push my bike to its limits. Maybe, on a good day, I can push it some...BUT ONLY ON A STRAIGHT LINE.

Riding 270/315/670 fast doesnt take much skill, it takes balls/stupidity (think: cops). Maybe this is where your R1 friend at the bar rides.

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There's a lot of good liter bike riders out there. They're the quiet ones. Turns out this guy doesn't even own a bike he "borrows" his friend's R1. Maybe he thinks because 6 is higher than 1 it's a bigger bike.

Here's the best part. We're in the smoke shack, him and his buddy are bragging about being the oldest in the bar, trust me, they looked it. I figured well into the 60's. NotHis grabs me by the arm, points at me and says, "Bet ya not!"

"How old are you?"


"You win"

The girls made me feel good, those two made me look great. If the best you have to talk about is on a borrowed bike, STFU! My fast days are now waiting on our Bonneville bike. Cluth's bike is too technical for me to ride, Sinner's 10 was easier for me to ride at speed. I like to think I have no limits, but competitavely, I stand no chance with most of you. I will tell you one thing, and Loose I hope you're reading this. When you're 77 ZX1000 hits the tank slapper at 110 and you know you have to push through it to see 120 on the old Flexi Frame Kaws, you've been on a ride! Thank God for the 78 Suzuki GS1000ER! That's why I'm Team Manager, Transport Operator, Parts Purchaser for Team Paskey, #604. That's why I call myself, ProudPops. Thank you NotHis for shutting me up.


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