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CDMA iphone


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Apple Inc. plans to begin producing this year a new iPhone that could allow U.S. phone carriers other than AT&T Inc. to sell the iconic gadget, said people briefed by the company.

The new iPhone would work on a type of wireless network called CDMA, these people said. CDMA is used by Verizon Wireless

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their contract expires in june and apple would be dumb to renew

True, but we're talking about a shitload of phones. Quite honestly, none of the domestic carriers really have the network capacity to handle tens of thousands of phones coming online once the Apple fanboys jump ship from AT&T.

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True, but we're talking about a shitload of phones. Quite honestly, none of the domestic carriers really have the network capacity to handle tens of thousands of phones coming online once the Apple fanboys jump ship from AT&T.

Bullshit.. both Verizon and Sprint would have zero problems.

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i didnt expect apple to make a cdma iphone since verizon plans on rolling out their LTE/4G network next yr. verizon thinks it can support iphone traffic http://www.fiercewireless.com/story/verizon-confident-it-can-handle-iphone-traffic/2009-12-18

At&T said the same thing when they got the Apple contract. "Biggest network in the nation due to the Cingular merger". "Most 3G coverage".

They completely underestimate the pent-up demand for reliable data access. Not only that, but once the Apple hipsters square off with the Verizon I'm-going-to-charge-60-a-month-for-"unlimited"-data-because-I-can people, there's going to be a whole new level of butthurt.

I can give you an example of a beautifully laid out and maintained 3G network: Australia. Telstra (the biggest game in town, and until recently the monopoly) was forced by the government to upgrade their network infrastructure. Instead of putting the bulk of the money into underground fiber and residential lines that they would later have to license out share revenue with, they instead went wireless and didn't have to share anything. I could walk basically anywhere on either coastal city of Oz and the data access was almost as fast as my wireless network at home and just as reliable.

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You seriously underestimate the volume.

I used to work for sprint. My mom, dad, aunt and uncle either used to work for sprint or still do.

Oh and i was part of a very large project for assessing "certain things I legally cant discuss" of verizons wireless network so I know a bit about it as well.

You underestimate the capability and capacity of the networks and over estimate the # of people that would switch carriers.

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My brother works for verizon and has sat through a few meetings about verizon getting the iphone. Verizon initially had first crack at the iphone but passed because they thought it wouldn't sell due to the cost.

Flash forward however many years and verizon recently had thei worst quarter ever. Jokes on them. Now they are finally picking it up, way too late.

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My brother works for verizon and has sat through a few meetings about verizon getting the iphone. Verizon initially had first crack at the iphone but passed because they thought it wouldn't sell due to the cost.

Flash forward however many years and verizon recently had their worst quarter ever. Jokes on them. Now they are finally picking it up, way too late.

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