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rattle can paint job


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but for now..

prep your pieces to be painted..

sand with 320 grit

if you have to fix any spots do so.. make sure everything is smooth as you can get. do it by feel, you may have high or low spots that need filled so correct those issues.

after everything is sanded and good to go youll want to blow it off with compressed air get the dust off of it, and then spray some primer on it.

i use either high build primer or regular primer, either or doesnt mater. make sure you put a few coats on, cause youll be sanding on it after wards. you want enough coats to fill in any small imperfections that way when you sand it out it will be even smoother than before.

youll want to sand the primer with 400 grit

when you start sanding youll see how there is orange peel in the primer, your goal is to get all the orange peel out and get it as smooth as possible. you might see high or low spots as well, try to get those evened out as well.

if you think it isnt up to par yet, you can reprime it again, and repeat the sanding step again.

once you are sure everything looks good then we will move on to the next step.. base coat

which i will continue to write up on when i get back from work.

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  • 2 weeks later...

guess i should have just put this in here instead of another thread

getting a little more accomplished..

sorry for the shitty pics, low light sucks on my camera :mad:

got the front fender done



lower fairing (which i decided to do in a metallic black, and ill be taping off some of it which the metallic grey will be put on it) almost done, got one side semi done, needs bit more polishing, and the other side needs sanded and polished yet.




got the tank in primer, needs sanded down yet. then base, clear, then sand and polish

it will be metallic grey



and im working on getting the upper fixed up and ready for primer

it will be metallic grey, and have a little metallic black on it to tie the black that is on the bottom fairing into it.


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the tank is sanded and ready for paint

and the upper is in primer.

i didnt get to really make the upper perfect..

won the track day at putnam this weekend, so i had to rush this project a bit to get it together.

ill get the tank painted today when i wake up, and get the part of the lower painted i wanted grey shot as well.

get those sanded out and polished tomorrow night

ill sand out the upper and shoot it thursday and sand and polish it out friday morning

gotta get this thing together so i can change the oil and get the antifreeze drained.

alot to do in 3 days time




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tank is painted.. gotta wet sand and polish it tonight or tomorrow.

lower fairing got some of the metallic grey.

tonight ill sand out the upper and paint it in the morning.

things are coming together some what now





lower fairing.. with the grey on it now




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