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Gun Control Squabble Kills D.C. Voting Rights Push


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House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer announced today that that chamber won't consider a bill which would grant the District of Columbia a voting congressional representative. They won't bring it to the floor this week and probably not this year. Sorry, D.C. residents, you'll have to remain sub-citizens for the time being. But your money remains good--we'll continue to take those tax dollars, thanks very much. And you're welcome to keep sending your sons and daughters into the armed forces.
Some background: With around 600,000 residents, the District of Columbia is as populous as Denver and Las Vegas. And it has more people than do Oklahoma City, Albuquerque, Atlanta, Portland, or Wyoming. Imagine the outrage if any of those locales were suddenly cut out of the congressional map.
But then the gun fanatics got involved. You see the district has restrictive gun control laws. When pro-gun senators added a provision to the version of the bill which would have eviscerated those laws, the debate stopped being about D.C. voting rights and became a proxy for gun control.
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What does the "D" in "D.C." stand for? Oh, that's right, "District". Not "State". How many states have a mayor as the top elected official?

"Sub-citizens"? Yup. Denied their right to bear arms.

"...send your sons and daughters into the armed forces.." Didn't know that was a state-granted right, I always thought the military was a federal thing (with the exception of the National Guard).

And why do some columnists refer to second amendment proponents/defenders as "gun fanatics"?

The residents of D.C. should simply be exempted from federal income taxes, as has been proposed before. Or, they could just move.

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