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NYC attempted car/suv bomb


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Terrorism fail, all aboard the Fail Camel...

- bought the vehicle in his own name

- tried to fly straight to the Middle East, out of J.F.K.

- bomb wasn't able to explode

- part 'a' had to trigger part 'b', which had to trigger part 'c', etc.

However, stay vigilant. "They" will succeed at some point; it's a matter of 'when', not 'if'. We got lucky this time.

From (P)MS(LSD)NBC.com:

James M. Cavanaugh, a former bomb expert with the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives who investigated car bombs and tracked the Unabomber, told The New York Times that the device and the way it was designed speak to a "grandiose purpose."

Police defused a crudely made car bomb found in a SUV parked in New York's Times Square.

"I call this a Rube Goldberg contraption," Cavanaugh told the newspaper. "It's the 'swing-the-arm-with-the-shoe-that-hits-the-ball-and-knocks-over-a-stick-that-knocks-something-off-a-shelf' and it is all supposed to work."

He said that whoever made the bomb had "more desire than ability."

The Times also reported that Kevin B. Barry, an official with the International Association of Bomb Technicians and Investigators, said the attempted bomber had left many leads for detectives to follow.

“He was trying to cover his tracks, but he left more clues than a guy walking into a bank to rob it without a mask. This guy left everything here but his wallet," Barry said.

Chris Falkenberg, president of Insite Security, which works with Fortune 500 companies, said the device, as described by authorities, "doesn't differ much at all from 'The Anarchist Cookbook'" — the underground 1971 manual for homemade explosives.

He said revelations that the fertilizer used could not have exploded suggested "this is amateur hour. My kids could build a better bomb than this."

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as a person of middle eastern decent Pakistan is NOT in the middle east.

It's been considered part of the middle east for 50 years or so amigo. Guess it just depends on what map you look at.

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He was trying to fly to Dubai, not Pakistan. I believe Dubai is in the Middle East, as stated.

To be more specific, it's in the United Arab Emirates, in the Arabian Peninsula.

Did I specifically (or non-specifically) say he was Middle Eastern? No.

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as a person of middle eastern decent Pakistan is NOT in the middle east.

There's the middle east.. and than there is the greater middle east. I believe Pakistan falls in the greater middle east.

As a person from a greater middle eastern country, Pakistan.:eek:

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well he must have been from the hill jack part of pakistan.....non explosive fertilizer.....c'mon man, you really can't be that stupid. When i was in boy's scout and lived in canada we would make bigger explosions then that, all we had was lighter fluid, gasoline, hairspray (for our hastily made spud gun) etc. Sigh, those were the times.

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