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Census killing....


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When police arrived, the man answered the door armed with a handgun. His wife also approached with a shotgun, pointed it at the officers in a threatening manner and was later shot and killed when she refused to drop the weapon.

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Yea, there's better ways of doing shit. Any stand-off with federal or state forces is always going to end badly. So here, these people tried to make some ridiculous 'stand' against something and found out just how quickly and easily they were dispatched. The heard will thin.

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Census people showed up just as I was getting home one day, like a week ago. I got out of the car with a bag of fresh KFC in my hand, they asked if they could ask me questions about the census, and I said, "Now's not a good time."

They thanked me and went away. What was so hard about that? People act like these are some jackbooted death squads; in my case, it was a lady in her 50's and a smiley fat guy. Just people trying to earn a bit of cash in a shitty job market.

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Waste of $$ ... I had two show up a week a part. Told the first one, I was the only one at that address and that was the only answer they were getting (was working on the bike in the garage) .... the second one, I asked her how much I was paying for two of "you" to show up and ask me the same #$%)(* question(s)?

She left.

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Waste of $$ ... I had two show up a week a part. Told the first one, I was the only one at that address and that was the only answer they were getting (was working on the bike in the garage) .... the second one, I asked her how much I was paying for two of "you" to show up and ask me the same #$%)(* question(s)?

She left.

Did it make you feel like a big boy to be mean to the census lady? When you get stopped by the police, do you remind them that you're paying their salary, too? :rolleyes:

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A lot of people dont like giving out personal; info on themselves, especially to the government. The people in the article obviously reacted the wrong way. I'm all for telling the Gov how many people live in my home but I'm not giving out financial or personal info to them no matter how friendly a person they send around to collect it.

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