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Anyone ever donated bone marrow?


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Lately I have been donating blood whenever I am allowed to. But I have also been thinking I would like to start the process for donating bone marrow. Unfortunately, there is so much information to read, it is a bit overwhelming.

So I was wondering if anyone here has ever donated bone marrow, and can give me their experience of the process, or know of someone that did donate. I like the idea that my blood could save a life, so the opportunity to knowingly save someone's life, or forever change it for the better, sounds amazing.

Also, if you have donated, how did you feel about corresponding/meeting the recipient? I have read that it can be as open as both parties want it to be.

Any information is appreciated. I am just tired of reading website articles, and would prefer to get a firsthand experience.

Thanks all,


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Hi, you don't really GIVE bone marrow. They draw blood from you and identify your parameters and then put the info in a database. If someone needs bone marrow, they will run his parameters through the system and try to find a match.

I was in a database in GErmany for 7 years and only one time they contacted me telling me that I might be a match for someone but they would have to run further detailed testing. Then a few weeks later, they wrote me a letter saying one of the parameters was not a match. And it truly has to be a 100% match.

I can write more later but I gotta go to work now. :-)

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