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US debt just rolled over $13 TRILLION


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See? Who says Obama can't accomplish anything? Technically qualified for the position (maybe), but experience-wise, uhhhhmmmm, nope. He doesn't have a clue. He can dictate, but seems unable to problem-solve or make a decision. Clueless like Carter, but trying (and unable) to let polling dictate, like Clinton. I "hope" we survive this "change". :kneel:

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Good find. If nothing else, Clinton did wonders for our debt. Of course, he is almost solely responsible for the housing market crash we've just experienced (American Dream Bill, legalizing alternative financing including interest only, arms, undocumented, etc), but damnit he dropped our national debt!

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Seriously though, what does it even matter? I mean, we literally have a limitless debt ceiling in the gov't so in the end isn't it just a number to get people riled up?

on another note, this is why i laugh when congress "grills" executives like GM and investment firms over their financial mismanagement and debt.

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Seriously though, what does it even matter? I mean, we literally have a limitless debt ceiling in the gov't so in the end isn't it just a number to get people riled up?


it's not that i think the US is anywhere near as fragile as Greece was, but the general attitude is remarkably similar.

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He is? :wtf: Almost solely responsible?

I don't remember him forcing me to sign my mortgage...

Pretty miraculous that bubble didn't pop until almost a decade after he was GONE from office.

Clinton did repeal the Glass-Seagull act....... thats what started the snowball effect....... Clinton..... Barney frank, Franklin Raines....... They all hosed us pretty good. A lot of people got rich from making sub prime loans, bundling them for investors and insuring them against default...... Sometimes it takes a while to see the results of an action...... but none of the later actions could have happened without the repeal of Glass-Seagull

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