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US debt just rolled over $13 TRILLION


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Clinton did repeal the Glass-Seagull act....... thats what started the snowball effect....... Clinton..... Barney frank, Franklin Raines....... They all hosed us pretty good. A lot of people got rich from making sub prime loans, bundling them for investors and insuring them against default...... Sometimes it takes a while to see the results of an action...... but none of the later actions could have happened without the repeal of Glass-Seagull

It was repealed by the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act in 1999. An act of Congress...might want to read the link...

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I did read it and it clearly states: "signed into law by President Bill Clinton which repealed part of the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933,"

You realize the President signs acts passed by Congress right? You also looked at the voting included on that page and saw it was veto proof as well right? Did you also notice the act was sponsored by 3 Republicans and had huge Republican support in getting it passed?

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I'm not much politically informed as a few on here that are in this thread, but you can always depend on JRMMiii and fusion to be waaaay on the left side defending everything. I'm surprised Aerik isn't in this too yet.

Oh, I like these guys, just not on their side too much with politics.

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I'm not much politically informed as a few on here that are in this thread, but you can always depend on JRMMiii and fusion to be waaaay on the left side defending everything. I'm surprised Aerik isn't in this too yet.

Oh, I like these guys, just not on their side too much with politics.

What's being left sided about pointing out a Bill was submitted and passed by Republicans? I don't fall on the Left btw, I fall in the middle. If broken down I'm probably even slightly right leaning. I just prefer facts over BS.

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What's being left sided about pointing out a Bill was submitted and passed by Republicans? I don't fall on the Left btw, I fall in the middle. If broken down I'm probably even slightly right leaning. I just prefer facts over BS.

Then you wont mind if I add that this was pushed by Bill Clinton and Robert Rubin and was co-authored by the recently appointed to Deputy secretary of the treasury Neil Wolin. (Obama administration)

Rubin was secretary of treasury under Clinton and now heads up Citi group I believe and has also been with Goldman Sachs and Enron as well. But I'm sure that has nothing to do with recent bail outs using tax payer money............ (sarcasm!) :eek:

I wonder what other damage Neil Wolin can do before he leaves office?

Sort of seems the same ole players are coming back in to finish the job of destruction they started years ago............

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