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A Nation of Sheep


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STFU Fox News. Its these same fuck-tards that elected our current President in the first place. Fox News is soooo conservative it makes me sick. NOW they wanna bitch about the "taking away of rights"!?!?! You didn't see Clinton signing off of bullshit like this. He was too busy squirting on interns.

All of our rights have been spent on the War on Terror, Finishing the Fight, Staying the Course, finding Weapons of Mass Destruction, yaddy yaddy yaddy.

You think its bad now??? Wait until these same people who are pissed at the Patriot Act elect Rudy to the White House. Talk about taking away liberties... you guys ain't seen nothing yet.

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bad news, were fucked no matter who gets elected, nothing will change. It'll just get worse and worse untill the country ceases to exist. People are sheep. They'll follow whoever the news says to. Never questioning anything, believing what they see, while the money pushes through whoever will keep the politics in there favor, and keeps the right hippies happy. If they really gave a shit Exxon wouldn't be making $14 BILLION in three months while the economy grew stagnant because people can't afford to drive to work anymore.

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I hate that they can take a black box out of your vehicle and have a record of how you drive. I hate how there are cameras at all stoplights! I hate how my government is the worst gang in the USA! I HATE HOW WE HAVE LAWS THAT CONTRADICT OTHER LAWS! It's a big fuckin' mess!

And furthermost....I want to be in a HUGE group of sheep and wreck havoc on this nation and get it back to normal!!! I hate what this nation has been became and will become. Our personal freedoms are slowly being taken from us.

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I hate what this nation has been became and will become.

If you dont like it here, then facking move.. If we are so bad, Im sure you can find another country that will suite your needs.

I personally dont give a shit if they tap my phones.. Im not doing anything illegal. Yeah what was said on the vid about warrants is a bit facked but I can guarantee you that its not as cut and dry as that talking turd makes it out to be. Hes trying to sell books..If you always let some talking bag of shit make up your opinions for you, then you are as bad as they are. The flip side of that is that none of us are specialists when it comes to "LAW" so we dont have anything to make an informed decision on.

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I hate that they can take a black box out of your vehicle and have a record of how you drive. I hate how there are cameras at all stoplights! I hate how my government is the worst gang in the USA! I HATE HOW WE HAVE LAWS THAT CONTRADICT OTHER LAWS! It's a big fuckin' mess!

And furthermost....I want to be in a HUGE group of sheep and wreck havoc on this nation and get it back to normal!!! I hate what this nation has been became and will become. Our personal freedoms are slowly being taken from us.

I dont plan on living in the US forever. I have been to differnet places and seen the other side, for me and the way I would like to live the grass is definately greener.

I like to use the picnic analogy to get my point across. The US is like a picnic and everyone brings a side dish, well except one guy but its ok because it is his first picnic so we share because we have enough to go around. Well now ten people dont bring anything to the picnic and they all want to eat and even though there is not enough to eat they feel it is their right to fill thier belly. There is nobody that I have met on this site that would come to an ohio riders bbq and not bring something to share. So why would anybody think that they deserve free medical care, welfare, or a free college education?

The only reason that I am still here is because Gsxrnurse needs to finish her education.

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I dont plan on living in the US forever. I have been to differnet places and seen the other side, for me and the way I would like to live the grass is definately greener.

The only reason that I am still here is because Gsxrnurse needs to finish her education.

hehehe off topic but I just booked a flight to Brazil.. yay me...

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arent you going to a wedding? If the US was more open minded gay marrage would be legal and you wouldnt need to fly to brazil.

Either way I am sure you will have fun

Yeah my friend is getting married in San Paulo Brazil.. Should be a good time.


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The flip side of that is that none of us are specialists when it comes to "LAW" so we dont have anything to make an informed decision on.

I am... My decision is informed.

Also, I don't want to move. I want the bastards who fucked it up to get out. As with most situations, there is a minority of people out there that are fucking it up for the rest of us. THEY should be the ones to have to leave.

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I dont plan on living in the US forever. I have been to differnet places and seen the other side, for me and the way I would like to live the grass is definately greener.

I like to use the picnic analogy to get my point across. The US is like a picnic and everyone brings a side dish, well except one guy but its ok because it is his first picnic so we share because we have enough to go around. Well now ten people dont bring anything to the picnic and they all want to eat and even though there is not enough to eat they feel it is their right to fill thier belly. There is nobody that I have met on this site that would come to an ohio riders bbq and not bring something to share. So why would anybody think that they deserve free medical care, welfare, or a free college education?

The only reason that I am still here is because Gsxrnurse needs to finish her education.

FYI, I forwarded your post to Homeland Security. They are printing up your ticket to Gitmo as I type. Let the anal probing begin. If I were you, I'd request to be on top of the human pyramid as soon as you get the chance.

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FYI, I forwarded your post to Homeland Security. They are printing up your ticket to Gitmo as I type. Let the anal probing begin. If I were you, I'd request to be on top of the human pyramid as soon as you get the chance.

Yeah right no government agency works that fast.....

dont you have innocent people to lock up :D

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going to Brazil huh? Sounds like a cool place, I worked with a bunch of Brazilians in Philly painting a big bridge. There advice; be carefully, allot of the women there, ARN'T! LOL or is that why your going? :lol:

Going for a buddies wedding. I think the goal right now is to rent a mansion on the beach for the week.. It will be fun.. definitely not going to be doing anything stupid while there. My buddy just got back today from down there doing the planning and he evidently found a huge 4 story mansion that he wants all of us to stay in. (At least the ones that party) That way we can keep our drunken shenanigans to the house and the beach. not to mention it will be a hell of allot cheaper then going the hotel route since everything in the area is 5 star hotels.

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Also, I don't want to move. I want the bastards who fucked it up to get out. As with most situations, there is a minority of people out there that are fucking it up for the rest of us. THEY should be the ones to have to leave.

+1 AMEN!

Flounder don't understand what I said I guess, or he is a follower who will conform to anything leaders set forth. This nation is a disgrace compared to what it was in earlier times. Our forefathers would be pissed on how we are ran and what we've become. It's a liberal society and it makes me sick!:microwave:

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+1 AMEN!

Flounder don't understand what I said I guess, or he is a follower who will conform to anything leaders set forth. This nation is a disgrace compared to what it was in earlier times. Our forefathers would be pissed on how we are ran and what we've become. It's a liberal society and it makes me sick!:microwave:

HAHA.. you cant even smell your own bullshit... your comment obviously goes to show how little you know.

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I say BAN flounder! :ban:

But yeah...flounder if you don't understand what I said, then you sir smell like bullshit. ;)

Kinda ban happy arent you considering you just got back on here. I understand what your saying but your comments are downright retarded.

I hate stoplight cameras, I hate black boxes in your car..I hate dirty streets and I hate fast food. blah blah blah

.. Come on man if your going to complain about something, complain about something valid.. hell if you have a problem with that shit, then move to the sticks and get some land in the middle of nowhere.. you can drive your old john deer tractor, hunt and fish for your food, etc... If your so against technology, then stay the hell off this board since it is a technology advancement as well.

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