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first time airbrushing


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Not bad..... try and go a little softer with the lights n darks. The other thing you can do it after you do the rivot take and place a small round peice over it. Then do a soft white on the bottom and a soft shadow on top. This will give the illusion that the metal has been slightly endented by the rivot. Not a bad start.... hey, trust me. the first one I did looks like s**t compared to what I do today so don't sweat it.

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Uh.... I had a guy in my last AB class that said he went to some free stencil thing online. I guess you download/print off a stencil then cut it yourself. I have cut a handful or more of my own skull stencils just so I have my own style. I use, like, half a folder or something stiff like that. they don't hold up to bad.......... and your right. the stencils are pensive. my fire stencils cost me $150

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try the stipe.... you'll see the shadow isn't bad. Keep at it and you'll get the hang of it. so many drop it cause they cant seem to get a handle on the control of a airbrush. I have been at it for over 13 years and love it. One major point of advice.... if you are thinking of making it a career keep a real job for as long as you can till your name and rep gets you a real decent client base. the starving artist we get labeled with is for a good reason. Anyway.... heres one that I just did. Like I said, I've came a long way from where I started. good luck

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thanks for the tips reimbrandt. does anyone know of a cheap place to get stencils them things r exspensive

that's pretty fucking sweet.

are you looking for excuses to practice? My track plastics are hardly sacred...

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I love that stencil set...... gonna probably pick it up myself. keep on fartn around...... thats how things develope. once you have the basic stencil layed out try and take n lay some detail inside that. Thats what they are for is to speed up the design and give you the basic perportions. Have fun with it and make it your own............

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