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That Dude = Grandma's Boy

that dude

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Screens are too small, typing is too difficult, my phone doesn't run that application....boo fucking hoo. Wait till you get home and do it on a COMPUTER.


If you do that then you miss all the e-drama.(I don't have a phone with internet capabilities, don't want one either)

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I never use internet on anything but my desktop. It's scary how many people are addicted and need to have access constantly. I don't want internet on my phone. I don't need it and not going to pay for it. I just use it for calls and texting. Today people rely on technology waaaay too much. It's sad.

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ID rather keep pissing you off! Bud light salutes you mr grammar spelling bee champion man!

Who said I was pissed off?

If you do that then you miss all the e-drama.(I don't have a phone with internet capabilities, don't want one either)

I have one. It sucks for the internet. Its good in a pinch, but thats about it. Its barely ok for email, but it is helpful when I'm on the road.

I never use internet on anything but my desktop. It's scary how many people are addicted and need to have access constantly. I don't want internet on my phone. I don't need it and not going to pay for it. I just use it for calls and texting. Today people rely on technology waaaay too much. It's sad.

90% of the time I use my phone for PHONE calls. The other 10% is texting (the kids NEVER call, only text) and emails. I hate having to look at anything on the net on a 2.5" screen.

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In all seriousness I'm never home and very rarely in front of a desktop, that's how life is and I have learned to cope with the phone not gunna lie. I have seriously even typed a 5 page paper on my phone and e-mailed it to the teacher with this thing! But I really do need a laptop, tht would help out a ton!

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sounds like you need a netbook, E. things have incredibly low storage space though (unless its improved since I last looked), so you're best bet is to save everything online via e-mail servers or just a large flash drive

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In all seriousness I'm never home and very rarely in front of a desktop, that's how life is and I have learned to cope with the phone not gunna lie. I have seriously even typed a 5 page paper on my phone and e-mailed it to the teacher with this thing! But I really do need a laptop, tht would help out a ton!


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I post from my phone all the time... while taking a shit.... like right now...

I feel so much more intimate with you now Ben

I talk on the phone while taking a shit too....

Me too.... Just ask Sam :lol:

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