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I have to say, if this is true I'm glad I live up here...


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If it's gonna "shake the bowels of the earth".... Not really sure it matters where we live, although I agree, I'd rather be up here than down there

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I was just talking about all this with an acquaintance who works at Marathon, last week. Ironically, he was just telling me about how much pressure this well seems to be under, because BP wasn't even having to pump it..... It was just blowing out with that much velocity all on it's own.

His comment makes even more sense now, after reading that article

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100,000 psi of oil escaping, equalizing with 68,000 psi of ocean water rushing in? Sounds like they are working on some sort of super, under water, salty, black star. You know what happens at the end of every stars life right? A STEAM POWERED TSUNAMI!

This should get interesting.

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Anybody check those 25 other articles off on the right side??

Back on May 25th, the US Environmental Protection Agency told BP that they were using too much of the chemical disbursant, Corexit 9500 on the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Concerns over the long-term environmental consequences were raising red flags throughout the scientific community. Terms like ‘turning the Gulf of Mexico into a science experiment’ has passied more than one biologists’ lips. But BP still has not complied and this is July.

One entity is holding the reins on the outcome of this cataclysmic event, which is almost certain to change thousands, if not millions of American lives for an unknown number of years to come. That entity is not the US government, it’s a foreign based, multi-national corporation. To use a phrase from the 1975 movie classic, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, “ Well, I didn’t vote for them.”

Where has the First Amendment gone?

The New York Times reports, “A pilot wanted to take a photographer from The Times-Picayune of New Orleans to snap photographs of the oil slicks blackening the water. The response from a BP contractor who answered the phone late last month at the command center was swift and absolute: Permission denied. “

The report adds, “Last week, Senator Bill Nelson, Democrat of Florida, tried to bring a small group of journalists with him on a trip he was taking through the gulf on a Coast Guard vessel. Mr. Nelson’s office said the Coast Guard agreed to accommodate the reporters and camera operators. But at about 10 p.m. on the evening before the trip, someone from the Department of Homeland Security’s legislative affairs office called the senator’s office to tell them that no journalists would be allowed. “

CNN has been denied access to bird rehabilitation facilities, MSNBC and Reuters have also reported being blocked from gathering news; the list goes on. And no one from the United States government seems to have the will to defend our own constitution. That, my fellow Americans, begs the biggest question of all - why?

Perhaps the people of this country know why, but are afraid to admit it. We lost control of our representative government long ago and now we are paying the price. Without unified leadership in a time of crisis and the banishment of First Amendment, there is no America.

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