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The reader may or may not be aware that Dayton Ohio is the city known for breaking the German code which led to the end World War II. The code used peoples names, slogans, and labels to direct German war efforts.

That code is all around the Dayton, Ohio area. It has been placed within the cities architecture, advertising, text books, and schools. The code has to be read in collage format. The final product often resembles a giant game board of people and landscape..being created moved and manipulated by the hand of money and power.

Some jobs are determined more by a person's name as it's read in code and placed into the collage, than the talent of the employed.

Outsiders to the Dayton area, call the language Daytonians read, subliminal, or from the mind of a crazy person. For those having grown up in Dayton Ohio , the language is neither subliminal nor crazed..

The language is part of Dayton Ohio ’s intellectual, business, scientific, artistic, and underground heritage.

It just keeps getting better.

You remember how Krispy Kreme Doughnuts revealed a Nazi Concentration camp on the University of Dayton campus?

I know I do.

And two things to remember UN= Charred Doors and Titties refer to Titaly or Italy

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I'm fascinated by the minds of the insane. It all makes sense to them. Or maybe they're the ones who are sane and the rest of us are simply going through life in a blind stupor. :dunno:

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I've lived in the Dayton area for 26 years (most of my life) and have never seen nor heard about any of this. But then, I'm public-school edumacated. 'nuff said. Orrrrr, maybe I'm just not one of the enlightened ones....

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