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Update With a Laugh


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Sold my bike Thursday. Half way through all the medical BS, hey, I passed the Echogram, Whoopie, that means I get to take the stress test Monday, failed the others. I guess I kinda passed the prostate exam :shock: . Problem is he won't return my calls and TM's :cry: ! I feel so used right now.

So I figured I better go see my Dad in Youngstown this weekend just in case I can't next weekend. I'm running errands for him this morning and last stop is groceries @ Giant Eagle. Breeze through the shopping, find a short line, like the bus I'm about to get on, for checkout. I happen to glance over at the cashier in the next lane. All I can say is that I did my best not to stare, but she was one of those you just couldn't quit looking at. Thought I maintained pretty well, paid the bill, got my change, grabbed my cart and started for the door. I made it about a lane and a half before I heard giggles. Then I heard, "Sir. Excuse me, Sir. Wouldn't you rather have the cart with your groceries instead of an empty one?"

Sometimes it amazes me my kids still claim me.


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