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Watch out for Deer


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I hit one about two years ago in Cambridge. I was on an 02 r6.... I ended up with a broke collar bone, dislocated left hip (Hurt crazy bad), Shattered Right Femur ( Surgery), and broke my back in 9 places....

Couldn't walk for about 5-6 months and was off work for about 9-10 months.... Long road back to 2 wheels

Either way, After the recovery I'm on an 05 zx10, no fear brothers... ride on...

:bow: That's awesome man! I understand what you must've experienced with your relatives and coworkers. I was riding a new bike before my orthopedic doctor said it's ok to lift anything.

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I dug up some pictures of all that crazy stuff....

the bike







some of my X-rays after some new harware



they took this screw out of my knee about 4 months later


here is the bike all put back together

picture.php?albumid=1146&pictureid=12500&thumb=1 picture.php?albumid=1146&pictureid=12500&thumb=1

I have some more of the leg all tore up laying around here somewhere... but i think you get the idea... lol:rolleyes:

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