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ShawnR hit a deer


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Sorry to hear about your accident. I had a letter to the editor in The Delaware Gazette regarding ODNR's inability to effectively handle the deer population. Did your accident occur during daylight hours or at night?

That was a good looking ST you had. I ride a black '91 ST myself.

It was right about 5pm. Just a typical day heading home from work like every other day. I started back to work on monday. Hip is doing much better but started having severe rib pain & trouble breathing in the middle of the night on mon night. Had a CT scan but don't know the results yet.

I was feeling relly good until then.

I stopped again at the crash site and stepped it off from the point of impact to where I was laying. Somewhere between 60 - 70 yards. Probaby a damn good thing that I can't remember it.

I have decided to part out the bike, so let me know if anyone needs any ST parts. It did start up after adding oil and cranking for about 5 seconds.

95 hp go cart???? hmmmm........

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WAHOO!!! The pins are out of my hands!!! I'm giddy!!! (as in happy, not gay)

Wifey still says "uhh, no" when I bring up another bike, but I can use all fingers!!!!! Road rash is nearly completely gone, but hip still hurts.

Yea, I'm that easy to please.

Enjoy your bike while you can, it an become a pile of broken pieces REAL quick!

- Shawn

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How did the insurance claim go if you don't mind me asking ?

I only had liability ($28 / year). I was trying to keep everything as cheap as possible to minimize the amount of bitching from the wife. It was a 17 year old bike, but overall a BIG mistake on my part.

Screw up (in order).

- Riding too fast when I hit the deer (yea, it was above 50)

- not wearing my jacket & gloves (too hot)

- not having comprehensive insurance (added $50 / year)

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