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He was in the triples passing everybody on the berm, then he got over too far when going by the cop. He was fucked either way. Since nobody got hurt but him, I think it was amazing! :lol: I can't believe he survived and critical condition. I thought for sure he'd be dead. It happened about 1 mile from me. 19 yr old kid was from Mason, OH (Kings Island) area.

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That was like out of a movie. Dukes of Hazard sytle. Surprised that kid is alive. That is the second kid within the last few weeks from Mason to run from the cops and crash. What the hell they teaching those kids. The first one died.

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  chevysoldier said:
Was it an unmarked car he passed? Or was he just moving too fast to realize it was a cop?

Marked "Sugarcreek Township PD". I've never even seen an unmarked around the Dayton area; more rare than anything. It was a Sugarcreek Township squad car in video.

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Friggin awesome! Stupid dumbass teen!




Kid had been arrested and released earlier that morning by bcreek PD...alcohol/drugs/underaged girl were in the car at that time...

Edited by dustinsn3485
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“Our hearts go out to the family and friends of Brennan, who is a valued member of the Mason Schools community,” said Mindy McCarty-Stewart, principal of Mason High School. “We continue to hope that he will make a full recovery. Brennan’s a great kid with a lot of artistic ability who was very well-liked by his teachers.”

Its funny how "they" are always valued members of society liked by all. :nono: If I go bat-shit and do something retardedly crazy, please tell everyone like it was. "He was kind of a dickhead, and went batshit"

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holy fckin balls that was amazing...

that's the way I want to go, screw this "quietly in your sleep" bullshit...

I want to live life fast and leave a mangled corpse.

I wonder if i wind it up to around 200 on my bike if i could clear the bridge.

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