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Xtremef4i now a dad


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Thanks everyone for the congrats. I just got home from being at the hospital for 2 days. had to check up on the dog. Its nice to have time to myself agiain. going back to the hospital tonight. The Mrs. and the little one will be comming home tomorrow afternoon. Our son weighed 8lbs 9oz and was 21.5 in long with a full head of dark brown hair and deep blue eyes. Luckily, there were no major complications. and let me say it is the greatest feeling in the world to see your son/daughter come out into this world. I am man enough to admit that I cried my eyes out in joy

Just wanted to congratulate Brad on becoming a parent this week. Hope you show your son the 2 wheeling ways.
How'd you know? some how thru Facebook Im guessing?
way to go big guy, are we talking blue chrome or pink chrome for this baby?

Neither, I only rock the silver chrome, but its a boy.

Edited by xtremef4i
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I'll go ahead and let you champs deal with the babies for now, the last thing anyone around here needs is another me running around.....

and nice car Matt, I didn't realize it was you until you passed me again going up Research. Was that your normal work schedule, or just some extra hours?

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I'll go ahead and let you champs deal with the babies for now, the last thing anyone around here needs is another me running around.....

and nice car Matt, I didn't realize it was you until you passed me again going up Research. Was that your normal work schedule, or just some extra hours?

Yeah my normal hours tues-sat 11:30pm to 8am. I was wondering who honked at me. Nice to know it was a friend and not an asshat, I was trying to figure out what I did to piss the person off.

My car died about a month ago so it was time to get a baby safe car. One with airbags and what not.

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Yeah my normal hours tues-sat 11:30pm to 8am. I was wondering who honked at me. Nice to know it was a friend and not an asshat, I was trying to figure out what I did to piss the person off.

My car died about a month ago so it was time to get a baby safe car. One with airbags and what not.

can't it be both?

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