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Kentucky Medical Terminology For The Layman


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Artery: The study of fine paintings.

Barium: What you do when CPR fails.

Cesarean Section: A district in Rome.

Colic: A sheep dog.

Coma: A punctuation mark.

Congenital: Friendly.

Dilate: To live long.

Fester: Quicker.

G.I. Series: Baseball games between teams of soldiers.

Grippe: A suitcase.

Hangnail: A coathook.

Medical Staff: A Doctor’s cane.

Minor Operation: Coal Digging.

Morbid: A higher offer.

Nitrate: Lower than the day rate.

Node: Was aware of.

Organic: Church Musician.

Outpatient: A person who has fainted.

Post-Operative: A letter carrier.

Protein: In favor of young people.

Secretion: Hiding anything.

Serology: Study of English Knighthood.

Tablet: A small table.

Tumor: An extra pair.

Urine: Opposite of you’re out.

Varicose Veins: Veins which are very close together.

Benign: What you are after you are eight.

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