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Care package for Asian


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Hey guys and gals. I'd like to put a little something together for Asian Rob to send over to Afganland. Yota has his addy over there. Post up if you're interested in chipping in something, money or tangible. I have a toy Ducati I'm throwing in, and probably some cookies or some shit like that.

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oh and by the way, dont forget he has to carry around everything you send him, so usually (not always) consumable items are preferred. candy and such is always good. jerky, letters, photographs, gay porn...stuff to occupy time.

You can send gay porn in your own care package. Straight porn will be sent in this care package.

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yea ben and you dont want to ruin your gay porn collection, by giving him some of yours do you? do you think that a turd in a bag is acceptible? i'd be down to throw in some candy and other perishable items.

Dude, we should send a paper bag with dog shit in it. Then have a note on it that says something like, "light paper bag on fire, stomp out fire repeatedly".

[after putting dog poop in a paper bag and lighting it on fire on Old Man Clemens' porch]

Billy Madison: Oh my God, Old Man Clemens hates shit.

Frank: Shh, here he comes.

Old Man Clemens: Who the hell is it? What do you want? Judas Priest, Barbara, it's one of those flaming bags again.

Barbara: Don't put it out with your boots, Ted.

Old Man Clemens: Don't tell me my business, Devil Woman. Call the fire department, this one's outta control.

[Old Man Clemens steps on the bag, then lifts up his boot and smells]

Old Man Clemens: Eck, poop again.

Billy Madison: He called the shit "poop".

[Billy, Jack, and Frank laugh hysterically]

Frank: This is the best night of my life.

[they continue laughing]

Old Man Clemens: I'll get you damn kids for this. You're all gonna die.

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I'm down, but only if I get to be old man clemens "don't tell me my business devil woman!"

seriously though, I sent chocolate candy to my brother in Iraq for Christmas and he said it was all melted by the time it got there...M&Ms don't do well in the sun and sand I guess

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Ive already told Asian that I will be sending him some shit stained tighty whiteys. of course I will make the marks in them with some brown shoe polish or similar but he should already be expecting that item to come from me. There are also some pictures that need to be sent to him that Yota may have from the highshools days where rob drank too much, passed out and well, yota and another played a prank on rob. by the way.. diapers and the pics from the bonfire of him in the diapers are a must.

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