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Hello Recession


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I posted this same thread on another site. Here was my rant from there:

The housing market and the war hurt the most. The housing market has been ridiculous. Joe Blow makes $35k/yr. Let's loan him $250k to buy a house. That makes fucking sense. The war has caused the country to be grossly in debt to other countries. The value of the dollar is dropping every day. At what point does China just say fuck it and buy us? Laughing? They've been buying up all of our debts for years now. That's not good. So, where will this leave us in five to ten years? Learning Chinese? Possibly if this shit isn't brought under control. We need to get our soldiers home. All of them. We are spread so thin in the US right now we couldn't defend ourselves against an attack from Canada. We're spending so much money overseas, but we need to be spending it here in our own country. The quality of American products sucks just about as bad as Chinese products these days, minus the lead. No wonder nobody buys American anymore. But why are so many Americans buying Chinese products? They're cheaper. We've become this money hungry country. I want the biggest and best for the cheapest. Oh, I can't afford that $250k house right now but I'll be able to in five years. Yeah, go ahead and give me that 5 to 1 arm loan. Fucking idiots. We're drowning ourselves in debt and nobody cares. I still get several pieces of junkmail each day, offering to refinance my house or give me a credit card. Do these people not realize they're just adding to the problems? Yes they do, but they don't care. Its all about the money. Its always just about the money.


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I am not going to go into a rant but would like to share a little story. An old roommate of mine was too lazy to change his address with his bank when he moved out over a year ago. About two months ago he got notices from the bank saying he overdrafted his account, about a month later and several notices later he got two pieces of mail from the same bank on the same day. The first piece of mail said that his account was being sent to collections and the second was for a platinum card. I found it rather funny and wondered how much money was spent in this country on junk mail and the postage that goes with it

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gas $$$....im tellin ya, gas $$$$$...untill ppl get used to 4.00, the economy will spiral down!!!!! As for how housing plays into MY STOOOOOPID opinion, well, ppl can always rent, but they WILL NEVER stop using gas like WE do (yea i wont stop either i guess, just make better use)

....food for lack of thought :)

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I'm looking at shit to convert my truck to run on waste vegetable oil as we speak, I can't afford this 3.50 a gallon for diesel anymore.

and yes the economy is gettin bad, I've actually put off going to school just so I can be sure I have the job I do now, and won't have to quit or jeopardize it to go to school. I'll buy a nice one and hopefully the market will turn around in the next 3-5 years and maybe I can actually make a few bucks. Who knows.

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......... hopefully the market will turn around in the next 3-5 years ......................

...shit...methinks OVER 5 for this one...maybe longer....i think its gonna be another "benchmark"!!! :( ......maybe even 10 or more.....i see NOTHING good....

"The Great Kretzkin" has spoken :(

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all i have to say is november is coming. choose wisely.

and about defending our own country. we sure as hell could. theres never less than hundreds of thousands of troops on US soil at any time. everything goes in rotation, so theres always people somewhere to fight. too much money wasted on the military being in everyone elses business is still a huge problem though.

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all i have to say is november is coming. choose wisely.

and about defending our own country. we sure as hell could. theres never less than hundreds of thousands of troops on US soil at any time. everything goes in rotation, so theres always people somewhere to fight. too much money wasted on the military being in everyone elses business is still a huge problem though.

Uhm, you may want to double check your figures. Right now we have more troops overseas than ever. Our armed forces have record low numbers right now. I'm not a rocket scientist, but..............

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gas has gone up 2.40 over the last 40 yrs. quit your bitching. And if you don't like it force your gov. to drill off the coast of anwr like most good conservatives want to do but the pussy libs won't allow because think of the small animals that could be affected and what not. Also if you think our troops are spread too thin bring back the draft because it is only just started. We have a lot more places to get involved in yet. If you want to help fix the problem just get off your lazy ass and vote. Unless your an idiot and think that obama or hillary is the answer then you should put a gun in your mouth and pull the fucking trigger. Or move to canada whichever. I would prefer you killed yourself though it would ammuse me.

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gas has gone up 2.40 over the last 40 yrs. quit your bitching. And if you don't like it force your gov. to drill off the coast of anwr like most good conservatives want to do but the pussy libs won't allow because think of the small animals that could be affected and what not. Also if you think our troops are spread too thin bring back the draft because it is only just started. We have a lot more places to get involved in yet. If you want to help fix the problem just get off your lazy ass and vote. Unless your an idiot and think that obama or hillary is the answer then you should put a gun in your mouth and pull the fucking trigger. Or move to canada whichever. I would prefer you killed yourself though it would ammuse me.

First post and he comes out swinging.. Give this guy some credit. ;)

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gas has gone up 2.40 over the last 40 yrs. quit your bitching. And if you don't like it force your gov. to drill off the coast of anwr like most good conservatives want to do but the pussy libs won't allow because think of the small animals that could be affected and what not. Also if you think our troops are spread too thin bring back the draft because it is only just started. We have a lot more places to get involved in yet. If you want to help fix the problem just get off your lazy ass and vote. Unless your an idiot and think that obama or hillary is the answer then you should put a gun in your mouth and pull the fucking trigger. Or move to canada whichever. I would prefer you killed yourself though it would ammuse me.

A picture of homewrecker and his bestest buddy Scottie:



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Oh poor satan, you have to post some pics instead of coming back with some real shit. Can't debate the facts so you post some pic of your family reunion and say its me. Thats cool. It is mildly ammusing but what I really want to know is why the hell do you have pic of two fags. Is satan a closet fag?

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Oh poor satan, you have to post some pics instead of coming back with some real shit. Can't debate the facts so you post some pic of your family reunion and say its me. Thats cool. It is mildly ammusing but what I really want to know is why the hell do you have pic of two fags. Is satan a closet fag?

I googled Josh and Scottie and that pic came up. Weird.

What facts are we debating? The fact our country is going into a recession? There really isn't any debating about it. Financial analysts from around the world are all calling for it. At this point, there really isn't anything the federal government can do about it. Too much money has been spent over seas, ballooning our national debt, leading to the weakest dollar most of us have seen in our lifetimes. This is the first time in history the CAD is worth more than the USD. President Bush just spend the past two days trying to convince OPEC to release more oil. He's hoping that along with the feds cutting the short term interest rate will help slow the inevitable. So, what are we debating? Maybe the fact are armed forces are stretched too thin? That really isn't a debate either. Right now the military is seeing the lowest enlistment numbers since Vietnam. They're trying everything, even video games, to try and encourage 17/18 yr olds to enlist. Its not working. The single largest deployment of troops since WWII just occurred a few weeks ago. Did just as many troops come home? Nope. So, what is it we're debating? Maybe the fact we need to bring our troops home? Well dude, if that's what you want to debate then you're just a fucking idiot. Having our noses in everybody else's shit is one of the big reasons we're in this fucked up economic situation. Getting Saddam out of power was good. Great. Grand. Now what are we doing? Spending billions of dollars we don't have? Yup. You know, the least Bush could've done was steal their oil so we could have cheap gas. But he didn't even get that right.

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gas has gone up 2.40 over the last 40 yrs. quit your bitching. And if you don't like it force your gov. to drill off the coast of anwr like most good conservatives want to do but the pussy libs won't allow because think of the small animals that could be affected and what not. Also if you think our troops are spread too thin bring back the draft because it is only just started. We have a lot more places to get involved in yet. If you want to help fix the problem just get off your lazy ass and vote. Unless your an idiot and think that obama or hillary is the answer then you should put a gun in your mouth and pull the fucking trigger. Or move to canada whichever. I would prefer you killed yourself though it would ammuse me.

Wow, a truely articulate individual. Now that you have bestowed your wisdom upon us, I will now change my vote for president.

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gas has gone up 2.40 over the last 40 yrs. quit your bitching. And if you don't like it force your gov. to drill off the coast of anwr like most good conservatives want to do but the pussy libs won't allow because think of the small animals that could be affected and what not. Also if you think our troops are spread too thin bring back the draft because it is only just started. We have a lot more places to get involved in yet. If you want to help fix the problem just get off your lazy ass and vote. Unless your an idiot and think that obama or hillary is the answer then you should put a gun in your mouth and pull the fucking trigger. Or move to canada whichever. I would prefer you killed yourself though it would ammuse me.

Somewhere in Hilliard there is an English teacher who needs shot.

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