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  homewrecker said:
Oh poor satan, you have to post some pics instead of coming back with some real shit. Can't debate the facts so you post some pic of your family reunion and say its me. Thats cool. It is mildly ammusing but what I really want to know is why the hell do you have pic of two fags. Is satan a closet fag?

Never step in a house talking shit to the owner. This type of stuff gets you nowhere. :slap::ban::ban:


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  Angrish said:

no your not....and he WAS just "playing" with ya....because thats satan, and HE IS a normal dude.....unlike others here

  Putty said:
Damn dollar aint worth shit.

+1....and its fucking pitifull, it used to be the strongest in the world....what happened....hmmmmmmmmmm

  homewrecker said:
gas has gone up 2.40 over the last 40 yrs. quit your bitching. And if you don't like it force your gov. to drill off the coast of anwr like most good conservatives want to do but the pussy libs won't allow because think of the small animals that could be affected and what not. Also if you think our troops are spread too thin bring back the draft because it is only just started. We have a lot more places to get involved in yet. If you want to help fix the problem just get off your lazy ass and vote. Unless your an idiot and think that obama or hillary is the answer then you should put a gun in your mouth and pull the fucking trigger. Or move to canada whichever. I would prefer you killed yourself though it would ammuse me.

I STILL stands by the gas$$$ comment, and would like to add the price of dairy product (do to ethinol production, JOKE fuel!!!)....the gov is looking at unemployment,and giving tax breaks to Bussinesses (sp i suck)....how in the fuckdoes that help the middle class??? I HATE THE GOVERNMENT POLITIC!!!

FUEL prices (heating oil and the such) are BIG BIG killers now too.......oh yea...and gs has gone up that much in 20 years NOT 40...when i was 16 in 1985 gas was 80 cents = 20 years!!!!! and MOST of that hike has been in the last 7 not all 20.

(hows that for "fact") And I have watched oil prices and gas prices go in OPPOSITE directions on the price charts too too too many time to beleive that oil and gas prices are a "market" thing.....there are a few (opec) that control it, and NO MATTER HOW MUCH OIL they realease, the price WILL NOT drop, they see the $$$$, we pay it, they wont drop it. The stock price of oil , weather, production problems HAVE NOTHING to do with the price of gas.....just the 10 ppl in OPEC (the head countries)

and yea...i am ALL about drilling everywhere on US soil we can, turn those fucking oil tankers from (edited due to i was told it was RASIST) OPEC land back at the dock, dont let them tie off!!!! then lets see what oil and gas do!!!! and see what opec does....hmmmmmmm

  homewrecker said:
Oh poor satan, you have to post some pics instead of coming back with some real shit. Can't debate the facts so you post some pic of your family reunion and say its me. Thats cool. It is mildly ammusing but what I really want to know is why the hell do you have pic of two fags. Is satan a closet fag?

....and someone actually called you "articulate" lol lol......grow up dude....satan is a nice guy and meant it as a joke...the reason your pissed about it is because you are a closet fag yourself and got "called out" and now you couldnt come back with a :cleaver comment" other than bashing :)

just lighten man...remember the biggest "homophobes" are usually having trouble with thier own sexuality :)

  Cleaner said:
C'mon Putty, don't be silly. Of course the dollar is worth something. Its worth 0.68292 Euro.

pitifull :( but plus 1

  Satan said:
I googled Josh and Scottie and that pic came up. Weird.

What facts are we debating? The fact our country is going into a recession? There really isn't any debating about it. Financial analysts from around the world are all calling for it. At this point, there really isn't anything the federal government can do about it. Too much money has been spent over seas, ballooning our national debt, leading to the weakest dollar most of us have seen in our lifetimes. This is the first time in history the CAD is worth more than the USD. President Bush just spend the past two days trying to convince OPEC to release more oil. He's hoping that along with the feds cutting the short term interest rate will help slow the inevitable. So, what are we debating? Maybe the fact are armed forces are stretched too thin? That really isn't a debate either. Right now the military is seeing the lowest enlistment numbers since Vietnam. They're trying everything, even video games, to try and encourage 17/18 yr olds to enlist. Its not working. The single largest deployment of troops since WWII just occurred a few weeks ago. Did just as many troops come home? Nope. So, what is it we're debating? Maybe the fact we need to bring our troops home? Well dude, if that's what you want to debate then you're just a fucking idiot. Having our noses in everybody else's shit is one of the big reasons we're in this fucked up economic situation. Getting Saddam out of power was good. Great. Grand. Now what are we doing? Spending billions of dollars we don't have? Yup. You know, the least Bush could've done was steal their oil so we could have cheap gas. But he didn't even get that right.

that dude doesnt know what hes debating. He wants "facts" but doesnt link to any.....just blah blah blah....read the papers...LOOK at the #'s....even in China the economy is tanking (did you knw that?)

  NinjaNick said:
Never step in a house talking shit to the owner. This type of stuff gets you nowhere. :slap::ban::ban:


eh..i woulnd bann dude....hes juust voicing his opinion, allbeit in a NONarticulate way,....and it shows someones character when ppl attack like that (personaly, not as a joke)....thats why there are a few ppl on here that i have learned what they are about and like....i WILL NOT be approching these ppl in the "lot" we all meet in, WHY? because i choose my friends WISELY (true friends like Angrish420....NOT just ppl ihang with everyonece in a while)....and when you hear some of the WACKED opinions on here, or just the way they "handle" themselfs here (my BIG bitch is the handle themself, be an ADULT), i just dont want to hang with those types :)

and now we have FOREIGN banks bailing out US bank....shit....we will ber owneed by other countries SOON!!!! GLOBALIZATION!!!!

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ANGRISH420....its not the tv man....just look at the stock market....lok at the foreign banks bailing out US bank....that doesnt happen!!!! I truley think that this ressession WILL be a huge benchmark for the last 100 yrs...wont be as bad as in the 20's, but it WILL BE #2

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  shittygsxr said:
congrats on being a racist

Who really cares? Just left wing liberals. That's what I call towel heads.:) MANY people could give a fuck less about any of them. Guilty by association. ;) I can't stand seeing anybody with a towel on their head. I instantly dislike them. I don't like anything the middle east civilization stands for.:beating::cool:

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  NinjaNick said:
Who really cares? Just left wing liberals. That's what I call towel heads.:) MANY people could give a fuck less about any of them. Guilty by association. ;) I can't stand seeing anybody with a towel on their head. I instantly dislike them. I don't like anything the middle east civilization stands for.:beating::cool:

I guess I cant argue with that, you must have one hell of education.

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  shittygsxr said:
congrats on being a racist

no problem!!! but that seems to be the only problem with that statement you had, so you MUST AGREE!!!! But, honeslty, i call the US the land of the FAT/STUPID and free. Is that racists against the US? I would say that was PREJUDICE not racism. If it was racism I would dislike every muslim in this country, which I dont. I made the STEREOTYPE that all middle eastern ppl where the towel on the head.

.....and lets face it. NO MATTER WHO YOU ARE in this world, you ARE prejudice. Even you Shitty. Look up the meaning in websters and you will see what i mean. For instance, Im prejudging you as a ? hmmmmmmm....as you are doing the same about me right now.

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  Satan said:
..........I dislike a lot of white guys, but not all of them. Same with pretty much every race except native Americans. I've got nothing against any of them. Anyways........

i dont think its the race....i think its the person....if your an ashole (white, black, green, purple)....you and asshole, period. :)

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  Satan said:
One warning guys, leave the race card out of this. I dislike a lot of white guys, but not all of them. Same with pretty much every race except native Americans. I've got nothing against any of them. Anyways........

You're right, it shouldn't have got started.:nono: Go back and delete them will you? I was going to edit mine and erase it all, but shitty quoted me so he'd have to do it also.

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ok.....fuck it...i give up...i APOLOGIZE to ANYONE that was offended by that comment....INTENT was NOT racist (shitty wont buy that but).......it was more hatered towards OPEC countries. oh shit that could be racist too...

.....just seems to me ....no matter what you say now a days you offend SOMEONE....freedom is loosing its meaning

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dude I dont care who you like or dislike. I dont care what you say in your home or too your friends. Everyone here has freedom of speech but they also forget that others have the freedom to get offended.

420 I wasnt trying to be a dick to you. I call flounder gay all of the time and well..... ok bad example, but anyways I dont think you should get worked up about it.

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  shittygsxr said:
dude I dont care who you like or dislike. I dont care what you say in your home or too your friends. Everyone here has freedom of speech but they also forget that others have the freedom to get offended.

420 I wasnt trying to be a dick to you. I call flounder gay all of the time and well..... ok bad example, but anyways I dont think you should get worked up about it.

1. RACISM IS something to get "worked up" about

2. I felt misconstrued as rasism

3. your right, ppl CAN get ofended by what someone says, it america.

4. read my edit....see if that meets the "PC cops" "ok"


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