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I dont even know how or where to start but I'm beyond pissed and frustrated.

I had surgery on the 7th of last month. I now am supposed to start physical therapy. However when I get to therapy today they tell me I've used up 18 of my 20 visits and only can see the therapists twice. I was unaware of a therapy cap. I had gone to therapy this past winter but it was a miss diagnose. Hell its been a mis diagnose for 3 plus years.

I've spent the afternoon on the phone with my employers human resources department and Anthem trying to come to happy medium. At this point were making an appeal that will take at least another month to sort through.

The atrophy in my arm is so bad I have to have from my shoulder to my fingers rehabilitated. I'm already looking at living with restrictions since the cartilage is all gone in the elbow. Its possible that I might have to have the joint replaced. I'm also scared the atrophy will become worse. I would pay out of pocket but they said it will be an average of 300 per session times that by 3 times a week and for 8 weeks... If it were a few I would pay and shut the fuck up but that many will deplete my savings... I might try a massage therapists for the time being. Any ideas?

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Have you tried contacting the attorney general? Might also try to Ohio insurance commission. Seems that there should be some arbitration process available.

In the mean time you might wanna check into some form of tae chi or aerobics class to help increase your range and muscle control.

Best of luck

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Medicare reimburses less than insurance companies and private parties in most cases.

thanks for all the help

masturbate with the other arm?

that was my stranger hand :wtf:

Have you tried contacting the attorney general? Might also try to Ohio insurance commission. Seems that there should be some arbitration process available.

In the mean time you might wanna check into some form of tae chi or aerobics class to help increase your range and muscle control.

Best of luck

ive kinda got something rolling... all great recomendations, im seeing a massage therapist tomorrow

Private Insurance FTMFW!

Sorry to hear about your plight dude.

thanks man, i hate my insurance co...

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I dont even know how or where to start but I'm beyond pissed and frustrated.

I had surgery on the 7th of last month. I now am supposed to start physical therapy. However when I get to therapy today they tell me I've used up 18 of my 20 visits and only can see the therapists twice. I was unaware of a therapy cap. I had gone to therapy this past winter but it was a miss diagnose. Hell its been a mis diagnose for 3 plus years.

I've spent the afternoon on the phone with my employers human resources department and Anthem trying to come to happy medium. At this point were making an appeal that will take at least another month to sort through.

The atrophy in my arm is so bad I have to have from my shoulder to my fingers rehabilitated. I'm already looking at living with restrictions since the cartilage is all gone in the elbow. Its possible that I might have to have the joint replaced. I'm also scared the atrophy will become worse. I would pay out of pocket but they said it will be an average of 300 per session times that by 3 times a week and for 8 weeks... If it were a few I would pay and shut the fuck up but that many will deplete my savings... I might try a massage therapists for the time being. Any ideas?

Sorry to here about this. My wife is a Physical Therapy Assistant and deals with this all the time while doing insurance checks. The fine print is a bitch on these policies. Some policies have a 10 visit cap and some have a $75 copay per visit. Hopefully you have a good therapist. I would recommend you spend your remaining visits have your therpist lay out an exercise plan that you can do at home or a gym for the duration of your recovery.

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Thanks to all for the support!

I found a place that will see me for $60.00 a session. I'm going to see them twice a week till I get 90% of the motion back to my elbow. I have very little movement. You wouldnt believe what I wouldnt give to be able to use my right hand to shave again... I've learned a lot about insurance, doctors that are "practicing", and most of all taking shit for granted. Not trying to preach but wow what an eye opener.

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I hear and have seen exactly what you are talking about. My own story includes several issues including herniated disc, sciatica, broken fibula and blood clots from the surgery. The limited information, misinformation (misleading), billing practices used to circumvent over charging for services and over prescription of drugs based upon the phamacutical marketing instead of real knowledge about the drugs is rampant. It paints a picture of minimally trained and self involved doctors whose real interest is money instead of patients.

I am now looking into PT to learn to walk again after being off the leg since July. All I can say to anyone facing an injury or surgery is know what your insurance says' in the fine print and have someone go to each Dr's visit with you to back up what you were told and ask questions you might have not considered.

Best of luck in the healing process and remember it is 99% what you put into it. :)

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