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Humans vs. Zombies - OSU style


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From our OSU email:

Humans vs. Zombies: Thurs. Oct. 14th- Wed. Oct. 20th

Humans vs. Zombies is a moderated outdoor tag-like game which runs over the span of a week on campus. All players start the game as humans and a small number are chosen to be the initial zombies. The aim of the humans is to outlast the zombies by surviving until the end of the week, while the zombies aim merely to wipe the humans out entirely. For the humans to have any chance, they will have to work together to avoid being overrun. Missions will be given every day to make things even more interesting. All players wear special game bandannas and the game is only played outside, dorms or academic buildings are off limits for game play.

To participate: players must register on the website: osuzombies.com.

Our Facebook event page is: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=147485911938196&ref=ts


I about fell over this morning when this small nerdy kid was leaving the coffee shop and peering out the window in fear. He checked, the coast was clear, he threw the door open and sprinted towards the engineering buildings with his arms wildly flailing. :lol: Edited by Casper
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They're all carrying nerf guns or something.... there's people running around all over campus. They've formed areas where someone can run from building to building and be under the watch of people who are on lookout. There's people hiding in nooks waiting... its hilarious

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we tried "assassins" with squirt guns between a fraternity and a sorority.

The problem was there was no time-limit imposed, so it would go on for way too long, and a couple hardcore people were totally nuts about it.

I like this better. multiple targets that must wear an identifying mark.

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