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Coolest computer ever? I think so


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Standard cooling, open case, non-SLI/Crossfire, simple RAID 0 (just an assumption based on two similar drives and general feeling), I don't see the cool factor. This is definitely not your whole room being a PC.

This is essentially a simple case mod, not really that impressive IMO. I like performance the best and even if looks were important, this isn't well thought out. For one, who wants a glaring blue light in their eyes directly above their monitors?


What it doesn't show is the fan he has to use to cool it properly making the whole setup look stupid.

Why does there need to be more cooling? Its open to the air, standard convection currents in the room should cool it enough. IDE cd/dvd drive doesn't matter, HDD's like to be a little hot, CPU has stock fan/heatsink on it (indicating no overclocking, therefore no RAM/FSB cooling so the mobo is fine), GPU has a fan/heasink built in. I don't see a need for other cooling personally. I have run plenty of pc's benchtop style and have not had a problem when they are at stock settings.

Its mounted on a big ass piece of metal (i think), think he could get enough heat conduction that he wouldn't need a big stupid looking fan? I know we do a lot of conduction cooling on our embedded systems at work.

It wouldn't eliminate the need for the fan on the CPU/GPU because if mounted properly, neither are in contact with the metal and therefore no additive heat transfer.

Edited by imprez55
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Its mounted on a big ass piece of metal (i think), think he could get enough heat conduction that he wouldn't need a big stupid looking fan? I know we do a lot of conduction cooling on our embedded systems at work.

A smaller system maybe. He might have an easier time with cooling since components are spread out a bit, but without air moving across some of the components it will still over heat if used in any decent manner. He might get away with it for a bit, but I wouldn't be surprised if the life and performance is lessened.

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