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3 month old baby thrown 25ft in street!


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If a couple drunks at a bar wanna duke it out (preferably outside) so be it...i aint getting involed.

But this IS the time and place to step in. How did no one step in after he punched the childs mother and great grandmother! Could people that whatched this be guilty of something? Kind of like if you knowingly live in a household where there is child abuse occuring but do nothing about it. I wouldnt want to live the rest of my life knowing i just stood around with my thumb in my ass while this POS was doing what he did.

What some of you are failing to realize is the location. Crime happens in that area quite often, and seeing "mama-drama" is the norm. Most people aren't going to step in to stop the arguements between the parents. I'm sure everybody's heard of the phrase, snitches get stitches, right? Well, eitherway, once the situation escalated to throwing the baby I'm sure someone called the police. It sounds like everything happened rather quickly and no one had any time to act, but I'm sure if the homies knew about this, and the police weren't around shortly after then he'd already be dead. Remember...there's honor amongst thieves.

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