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Some more TSA articles for your reading pleasure


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  • 4 weeks later...
Here's something I found on the Onion on the worst airport. Hilarious!


Kafka International ....:lol: where you're fooked without knowing you're fooked.

My favorite author of my youth.

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The TSA Let a Loaded Gun Get on an Airplane

500x_tsaloadedgunthrough.jpgA man accidentally brought his loaded .40 caliber gun onto an airplane. He didn't know he had it. Neither did the TSA, who completely missed it during its scan and allowed that plane to fly. Apparently, this happens a lot.

Farid Seif, a Houston businessman, usually carries the weapon around for protection. He didn't realize he had kept the glock in his carry-on computer bag until he was mid-flight. Once he landed, he immediately reported the incident (and was stunned he was able to get it on board without hassle). That something like this happened should be scary in itself, but authorities tell ABC News says that that sort of incident isn't exactly uncommon:

Experts say every year since the September 11 attacks, federal agencies have conducted random, covert tests of airport

A person briefed on the latest tests tells ABC News the failure rate approaches 70 percent at some major airports. Two weeks ago, TSA's new director said every test gun, bomb part or knife got past screeners at some airports.

We put up with the TSA and their foolish methods in the name of security but if they're not keeping us secure, well shit, why do we put up with it?

[ABC via The Consumerist]

Emphasis added is mine.

This is why I'm not one to trade liberty for perceived "security".:rolleyes: So, get off my junk.

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