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The 8 Most WTF Ideas In the History of Transportation


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China can do that because they're rolling in 'FU' money. As in 'FU America, we have all your money.'

China's going to have a bunch of problems when their 1 child rule makes it impossible to fill all their $.01/day manufacturing jobs in 50 years.

That "FU money" will come back eventually - it's just a question of whether or not the US collapses before then, or China smogs itself into a lung cancer epidemic.

/politics in ridiculous vehicle thread.

I'd like to add the segway to that list. Sure they're cool, but they're totally pointless. Mall cops everywhere can now be even more overweight, but what else has it accomplished?

I saw ONE person using one for a decent purpose - a professor at school walks with a cane, and gets around slowly, and with a great deal of pain (like a less cranky version of House).

She navigates the halls with her segway, but can stand while lecturing, and can walk short distances when the segway is impractical.

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