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Government waste


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$11.5B in waste isn't bad -- all things considered. What's the budget?


Total revenue $2.381 trillion (estimated)

Total expenditures $3.552 trillion (estimated)

So... "waste" is less than half of 1% (0.48%) - and that's using the revenue figure. If you use the expenditure figure, that drops to 0.32%. I bet everyone here buys dumb sh*t with more than .48% of their personal budget.

Quick, grab your $350 gov't pitchforks !!!! :angrymob:

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$11.5B in waste isn't bad -- all things considered. What's the budget?

2010 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Total revenue $2.381 trillion (estimated)

Total expenditures $3.552 trillion (estimated)

So... "waste" is less than half of 1% (0.48%) - and that's using the revenue figure. If you use the expenditure figure, that drops to 0.32%. I bet everyone here buys dumb sh*t with more than .48% of their personal budget.

Quick, grab your $350 gov't pitchforks !!!! :angrymob:


He only reports on 100 examples. That isn't even the tip of the iceberg amigo.

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Well, what's the real number then? :dunno:

I figure he'd pick the best 100 he could find right?

And I dug through some of those examples... they really need to differentiate waste from fraud, and some of those "wasteful" program are debatable. For example, the WoW study (No, I don't play it), but I know they've learned a lot about human behavior and virtual economies from it. The study and subsequent cases I've read had scientific merit. Other may see the whole Iraq war money spent as waste... it's all in the eye of the beholder.

I wonder how much Coburn charged the taxpayers to put the book together.

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The WoW study was done by the pentagon, to hazard a guess whether something similar could teach troops how to deal with post combat urban socialization with the local population. There is substance in the concept, since other computerized simulations related to combat and war gaming have been extremely successful.

Now you know...

And I have trouble with the concept of any government that isn't fraudulent or wasteful. I think it's part of the standard operating procedure. Deceit, in general, hides reality till it's past history and no one cares anymore. If anyone cared in the first place.

edit: Politicians, in general, need to learn to "just say no".

Edited by ReconRat
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