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Anyone play MOH yet...


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However after hearing the single player was short, .

Yeah, I am happy to have it since 5th group had so much influence on it. The signed copy definately makes it worth keeping with my other memorbilia.

But I cant believe how short it was! All the other MOH's take forever on single player??

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i really enjoy it, not gunna lie, i enjoy the multiplayer, mostly the maps on multiplayer. there are very few like 5 multiplayer and 3 combat mission maps but they are all great. and i love the combat missions. AND NO PERKS!!!! i hate perks!!! effing retarded. you level up and all that good stuff, get upgrades etc. but the game is completely fair for experienced and newer players. i was playing black ops last night and i just started and the fact that i have to shoot some one 31 times and he still doesnt die pisses me off royally. then they come and shoot me three times and im a goner, why? hes level 50 and has no life other than going to work coming home and playing COD online and unlocking everything and its brother. when i want to play i just want to go on for fun for maybe a couple hours every couple of days and i want to be competitive and not be know as a newb because i dont spend countless hours playing a video game. that and the levels are all big levels, the combat mission levels are big enough to stuff every level of black ops into, not kidding at all...

the single player was very enjoyable as well but super short like everyone is saying. wish it were longer for sure, but it happens.

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