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To buy or not to buy....


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Ok back on topic. My other half told me I'd better buy something for the summer. I asked her if she were feeling ok. She said yes but she didnt want me to be a whinney little bitch this summer if I dont have a toy... She's a finance major and were going to try to budget everything out this week. First I'm going to buy a new daily driver then will focus on a inexpensive toy. 1000RR rider I will let you know what I come up with.


That's great man! Still suggest you wait until you've finished all the mortgage paperwork on the house first, then get the bike. Unless you see a deal you just cant pass on, an extra $5,000 in the savings or checking account will help you a lot. Besides, you can't ride for a few months anyways.

Sounds like you got a great woman! If things don't work out with me and my wife, let me know if she has a sister. :D

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