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Title Boxing Club


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Ok, so this new boxing club opened up last month in Hilliard. Its on Fishinger Rd next to the Lowe's. I signed up as a new member so that I could drop some weight. No this is not a New Years resolution that would fail in a month or so. Its actually a decent place to workout and actually want to come back for more. I go about four times a week for their power hour class the also have some free weights and treadmills but no one really uses them. I'm pretty sure some of you have heard about them on the radio you should stop by and give it a try for free your first time. This is a great alternative just lifting weights and running on a treadmill. They have a new Title Boxing opening up in Polaris at the end of the month.


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Should be decent places since TITLE makes boxing/striking gear that is pretty good.

Yea decent gear, I like it and keep coming back. You don't get burned out as much if you were lifting weights or what ever. Two days back to back works out ok.

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I just checked out the Polaris location, since it's just around the corner from me. I'm interested enough to learn more after they open up. It doesn't look like it will be long; the heavy bags, ring and fitness equipment seem to be all in there.

For me it always comes down to how much I'm willing to pay and how they want to be paid. I'm not a big fan of the automatic account withdrawal for membership. I prefer to pay as you go or on a month by month basis until I see if I like the place and it fits my schedule.

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I just checked out the Polaris location, since it's just around the corner from me. I'm interested enough to learn more after they open up. It doesn't look like it will be long; the heavy bags, ring and fitness equipment seem to be all in there.

For me it always comes down to how much I'm willing to pay and how they want to be paid. I'm not a big fan of the automatic account withdrawal for membership. I prefer to pay as you go or on a month by month basis until I see if I like the place and it fits my schedule.

Yea, the all pretty much look the same, I had the chance of meeting the owner of Title Boxing cool guy. I have a three year membership and after taxes its like $54 a month. It's fun and it keeps you wanting more its addictive I think. Your first time their is free and if you decide to join they have a referral program you can help me out on.

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